Chapter 7

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--Jenna Caldwell--

"You did not!" I exclaimed as Scotty laughed. "Yes I did! You can ask my mom!" Scotty answered smiling. He was just informing me about the time he forgot the lyrics on American Idol.

"So you said 'Nuts of Wonder'?!" I asked surprised. I couldn't believe it. "Yes, I did." He placed his chin on his hand and watched me from across the table. We are eating a Bo's before we head to Scotty's parent's house. Scotty finished eating about 5 minutes ago, and I am still working on the rest of my fries.

"I can't take these with me and finish them on the way.." I suggested. Scotty shook his head and looked at his phone. "I have plenty of time." He smiled and lifted it up. "Smile." "Why?!" I asked holding up my hand to block him from taking a photo.

"Awe, is the photographer camera shy?" Scotty teased and I shot him a look. He snapped a photo and I grabbed his phone out of his hand.

"Hey! Come on, give it back!" He begged reaching across the table. I shook my head and looked at the photo he just took. I started to press delete, and he slid in beside me. I scooted all the way towards the wall of the booth to get away, and Scotty moved with me. "You better give me my phone." He groaned reaching for it.

"Or what?" I asked looking back at him. He stopped fighting for the phone and stared into my eyes. My breath hitched and I realized he was leaning closer to me. Our lips were inches away from touching, and I panicked. "Here." I thrusted the phone in his hand.

He looked surprised and somewhat disappointed. I instantly felt bad. He actually wanted to kiss me. He looked down at his phone and I knew he felt embarrassed.

I placed my hand on his and he looked up at me. I leaned in, and this time out lips connected. It was an amazing feeling. I have never felt this way when kissing another guy. Scotty placed his hand on the back of my neck as the kiss deepened. This may sound cliche, but I could feel the fireworks going off.

I pulled away after a few seconds, and he smiled. "Well dagum." He whispered and I blushed. My heart was racing, and I just wanted to kiss him again. He started leaning in again, and we were interrupted by his phone vibrating.

He quickly moved away and checked it, and I took this time to finish my fries. "That was Ashley. She was wondering where we were, and needs us to pick up some eggs from the store for the cookies." He explained looking up at me. "Okay, let's go!"

Scotty and I drove to Lowe's food, and walked hand in hand inside. He didn't seem to worry about who saw us, and that made me feel good that he actually wanted to be seen with me. "Go ahead and grab a basket." He pointed towards the stack of them. I nodded and grabbed one with my free hand.

We walked back to the eggs, and he looked at all the selections. "Do you have any idea what eggs to get?" He asked looking clueless. I laughed and grabbed a carton. "Get these, they are the best for baking." I answered handing him the dozen of eggs. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you are with me gorgeous." He whispered in my ear before we took off walking again.

I had butterflies in my stomach. He was making me feel special. And every time he ran his thumb over mine, I could feel tingles spread through my whole body. This was something I have never felt with anyone before, and I don't want it to end anytime soon.

"You want anything?" Scotty asked as we slowed our walk. I shook my head. We stood in a candy aisle, and Scotty started grabbing bags of candy. He was getting all kinds of varieties. Reese's cups, snickers, milky ways, m&m's, twix, and a few other big names. I watched him place one last bag in, and raised my eyebrow when he looked at me.

"What? I figured we could get something to snack on.." He winked. I shook my head and he slipped his hand back into mine. "So you thought we should get every candy bar ever invented?" I asked. "Exactly." He chuckled and pulled my hand to have me start walking with him again.

We stood in line to check out, and I saw a very familiar face smiling back at me in the magazine stand. It was Scotty on the front of Country Weekly. He looked like a model in the photo. The wording around it said 'Country's Hottest Bachelor' and I reached towards the magazine. I felt an arm move around my waist, and looked up to see Scotty watching me. He smiled when he saw the magazine, and blushed. It was cute to see him blushing.

"I'll buy you a copy if you want." He winked. I opened to the page that he was on, and looked back at him. "Will you sign it too?" I teased. He chuckled and looked over my shoulder at the page. "Very funny." He answered back. I turned to the page and saw a picture of Keith Urban. There was an article on him and his family. The big photo was of him posing with a guitar. "Now I want it." I pointed towards Keith and looked up at Scotty. His smiled faded and I saw his eyes twinkle. "So you're a Keith Urban gal?" He asked grabbing the magazine and. Tossing it on the belt. "Sure am. He's very talented.." I stated helping Scotty unload the basket.

"That's what you said about me remember?" He winked. I laughed and smiled. "I do remember." I responded. "Hey Scotty!" A guy said from behind the counter. "Hey man! How's it going?" He asked and I watched the guy scan our items. "Pretty good, how have you been?" He replied. Scotty pulled out his wallet and got his money ready. "I've been great." Scotty answered looking over at me, "Jared this is Jenna, Jenna this is my buddy Jared." He introduced us. I shook Jared's hand, and he said hello.

"Nice to meet ya." He smiled. "You too." I replied returning the gesture. Scotty payed Jared and I grabbed the bags. "See you guys!" Jared waved as we walked away. We waved goodbye and headed out the door.

"He was nice." I stated as Scotty drove down the road. Scotty nodded and intertwined his fingers in mine. I wasn't sure what all of this meant yet. I mean, are we together?

"You're thinking about something." Scotty looked over at me. "How'd you know?" I asked looking over at him. "You always go into a deep space. And your eyebrows furrow." He explained. I watched him in shock. He has only known me for a little over a week now, but he was able to read me so well. It was amazing.

"So do you want to tell me what you are thinking about?" He asked squeezing my hand. I took a deep breath and figured it was only fair to both of us to hit the subject now.

"I was just wondering what all of this meant.." I stated looking at our hands that were together. His hand wasn't too much bigger than mine. They were a perfect fit when they were together. Scotty stopped the truck on the side of the road and turned to me.

"Well, I would like to give us a shot. I like you a lot Jenna, and I want to spend more time with you." He explained taking both of my hands in his. I smiled and he continued.

"So what do you say, will you be my girlfriend?"

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