Chapter 4

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--Scotty McCreery--
"Don't let me fall!!" Jenna shouted as she wobbled. I had my hand in hers as I balanced her. "Don't worry, I got you." I promised and felt her go forward she leaned back to catch herself and I knew we were about to go down. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her into me. Luckily, that stopped us from going down. Our bodies were pressed close together to wear I could feel her shaking. "I told ya I got ya." I whispered in her ear. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I guess I'm not too good at skating.." She bit her lip and I grinned. "Hey, not everyone can be as good as me." I teased. She rolled her eyes and I smiled. "Don't worry. It's your first time, you'll get better." I promised and then she smiled. "You really think so?" She asked. "Yep. Now come on, you won't get better just by hugging me." I replied peeling her off of me. She giggled and shook her head.

"I think I will try it by myself now." Jenna announced an hour later. I hesitated before letting go of her hand and stepping away. I don't want her to fall. But she seems to have gotten the hang of it since we started. "Okay. Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes." She smiled and started to skate. I followed close behind and made sure that she didn't need me. Sure enough, she seemed to be fine.

"I'm doing it!" She shouted as she went around the rink. I still followed behind her. "Yes you are!" I shouted back. She cheered and skated over to Kyle and Colin. "Look guys! I'm doing it!" She smiled and Kyle high fived her. "Way to go!" Colin smiled. "I couldn't have done it without Scotty though!" She looked over at me and gave me a hug. "Thanks Scotty." She said and Kyle grinned at me. He knew I liked her. "You're welcome!" I replied and she pulled away.

"How about we go and eat some dinner?" I suggested. The rest agreed and then Jenna stopped us. "Wait! I gotta take a photo of us all!" She exclaimed skating back to where our stuff was. She took out her camera and came back over to us. "Okay y'all just act natural and I will take some photos!" She smiled. Kyle and Colin shot me a surprised look and I mouthed 'just do it'. I knew this is something that she loves, and I want her to be happy.

She spent the next 20 minutes taking photos of us as we did different things, and then I had an idea. "Hey you!" I shouted at a guy passing by. He looked at me and stopped. "Yeah?" He asked. "Can you do me a favor and take a photo of us?" I explained. He nodded and Jenna handed her camera to him. She showed him what to do, and the she came over to us. She stood in between Colin and I, and Kyle stood on the other side of me. We smiled at the guy took a few pictures. "Thanks!" Jenna smiled taking the camera from him. "No problem." He replied skating off.

We headed back and returned our skates. Afterwards, we all planned to eat dinner at a local diner. It was about 10 minutes down the road. "Alright, see ya guys there!" Kyle waved and we headed to my truck.

Once inside, I cranked up the heat and felt my body defrost. I could only imagine how much colder Jenna was. "That was fun!" She smiled and I nodded. "Yes it was! I'm so glad you came." I replied putting the car in reverse and backing out. We sat in silence as I drove down the road. I looked over at Jenna who was looking out the window at all the houses with all the lights up. "People sure love Christmas here, huh?" She asked looking over at me. I frowned and looked back.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking back at the road. "The whole town is decorated and cheerful. I'm not used to it." She admitted taking a deep breath. I could tell there was something more to what she was saying. I wasn't sure if I should ask anything else about where she came from. What if she doesn't want to talk about it? I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable in a situation.

'And up next we have our hometown boy, Scotty McCreery with his hit, See You Tonight...' The radio blared and I heard the intro start up. Jenna looked over at me. "That's you." She pointed out and I nodded. "Great job Sherlock." I teased and she smiled. We listened to the song in silence. She stared out the window and seemed to be listening to every word. I pulled into the diner parking lot before the song ended, and we waited until the song was over.

"Wow! That was really good." She said surprised and I grinned. "I know right?!" I winked. She rolled her eyes and I chuckled as I walked around and helped her out of my truck. We walked inside the diner and got a table. Kyle and Colin weren't here yet, so we ordered our drinks and waited.

About five minutes later, my ringtone went off and I noticed it was Kyle. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey Scott. Colin and I decided to head home instead." Kyle replied. I frowned and looked across the table at Jenna who was looking on her phone. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. Why on earth would they ditch us?

"Spend some time with Jenna. You don't need us there. Besides, I think she likes you." Kyle explained. I shook my head. He was trying to get us together. "Alright. I'll let Jenna know. Talk to you later." I hung up and Jenna shot me a look from across the table. I gave her an assuring smiled. "Well, it looks like we got ditched."

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