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Sooooo..... I guess this a first, me introducing myself so I ain't good at this stuff but anyway let's roll!
So I'm called Star here by many and yeah, I like anything and everything related to Space. I love Wolves too and have this silly wish of getting close to one hehe. Music is one of my survival necessity and I listen to it when I'm high or low, while doing homework and while doing work. Reading and drawing are the next things I love doing and poetry became one of them when I was 12. To be honest, I never knew I could write poetry and I couldn't even imagine it getting so much support here on Wattpad. Since I learned to hold a pen, drawing doodles or tryna copy a picture was all I did and I have a good laugh when I go back and look at those drawings of mine. My mum would tell me that I was so obsessed with drawing cats that we would fight 'cause my drawn cat had more than 4 legs hahahahhaha... Yea thats stupid now but well, what can you expect from a kid who could barely speak properly?

My Poetry is nothing compared to others and what the other admins write. I wrote my first poem for my school magazine and then every year I began writing for it till now, other than that when the teachers found out about this they forced me to write for competition and I ended up with prizes for my poetry. When I discovered Wattpad I decided to publish my work here and here I am. All the people here have supported my work more than my actually friends and family and so I can definitely say I have a family here 😊

I write best when my feelings are to much to hold back and I just keep on scribbling lines as they come because that's the best time, when your thoughts and emotions are raw can you write wonderfully. Filtering these emotions to fit takes away the original Beauty I believe.

So about me... Ummm.. I come off as pretty quiet and cold but once I get used to someone's presence, I'm mischievous and kinda myself around that person. I also have these trouble maker instincts and I guess Nia, Phantom and Black Tea King have experienced it lol. I don't like showing my original emotions and I'm a weird combination of a sad soul with a cheerful personality.

Soooooooooo... Thats all at the moment I believe but if I ever feel like writing some more I will. Anyways let's close my ranting with a little Poetry by Erin Hanson. Check out Poems, they are worth your time. She's my favourite Poet and mostly know as e.h.

Perhaps we only leave
So we may once again arrive,
To get a bird's eye view
Of what it means to be alive.
For there is Beauty in returning,
Oh how wonderful, how strange,
To see that everything is different
But know it's only you who's changed.



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