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Confidence. Its something that not all of us may have but what we wish to hopefully develop before we go into the real world. Being confident is the feeling of being sure of yourself and your abilities in a realistic way, this is not to be confused with the feeling of being superior to others (which will just make everyone hate you.

Chances are that you've seen a person and wanted to talk to them just because of they way they talk to others and carry themselves, this is because us as humans are more gravitated towards people who are more confident because confidence helps you come across as more trust worthy and reliable when compared to an anxious person who doubts themselves in every situation, especially in a workplace environment (way to get that promotion faster, eh?).

Undoubtedly, self-doubt is a part of what makes us human and the reason that we're alive as a race today but in today's day, a lot of worrying we do is extremely unnecessary and in a formal environment can come across as you being unsubstantiated, fallible and unconvincing. Ever wondered why no one takes your ideas seriously but when a more confident person says it, they are congratulated for being smarter?

Now I know confidence does not come easy for all of you, but you can always fake it and fool your brain into believing you're actually confident. In the next chapter, ill tell you some ways you can do that.

i love you


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