Back to Jersey

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I sat with boys as they played the ps4 that was in our hotel room. About 15 minutes later meya was finally ready.

Meya: okay I'm ready, let's go
Robert: About fucking time
Mattia: where are we going for food?
Y/n: chick fil a ?? There's one not that far from here
Kairi: I'm down, but let's eat at the park. Yk like a picnic, it's nice outside
Everyone: bet

We all walked out of the hotel & into the car. We went to chick fil a & the line for the drive through was longggg, but we waited anyways. After 20 minutes it was finally our turn to order, we each got what we wanted & headed to the windows to pay/get our food, we pitched in to pay. As soon as we got our food we headed to the park, we found a spot & ate. We were being dumb & laughing at the stupidest things, as we enjoyed each other's company.

Roshaun: hey I'm finished with my food, any of y'all done?? I'm finna throw the trash away
Everyone: we're finished
Mattia: here I'll help you throw the trash away
They both got up & left to the trash cans, 2-3 later minutes Roshaun came back
Kairi: where's Mattia
Roshaun: he went to the bathroom
Y/n: hey who's phone is this?? I'mma take pictures on it, I'm getting sun kissed rn
Meya: that's Mattia's
Ale: why don't you use your phone?
Y/n: I left it in the car
I said as I posed for a picture
Ale: & how exactly are you gonna get ahold of them if they're on his phone
Y/n: I'mma send them to myself duhh
Kairi: I hope yk he has a password
Y/n: okay then what is it
Roshaun: we don't even know
Y/n: fine I'll just tell him to send them to me
I put his phone down & soon enough Mattia came over
Mattia: hey wanna go to the movies? There's one like 10 minutes away. They also have a bowling alley, an arcade, & laser tag inside
Ale: bet, let's go

*6 hours later*

It was almost 7pm when we got back to our hotel. The movie we ended up watching was about 2 hours long, which was crazy. We spent an hour each in the arcade, playing laser tag, & bowling. We also met a ton of supporters & took many pictures. We came back exhausted, but we agreed we'd leave tonight & head back to Jersey instead of leaving tomorrow morning. We packed our stuff up, I was the first to finish so I just cleaned the mess in the room where me, kairi, & meya were sleeping in, as well as the living room. 20 minutes had passed & I finished cleaning up, the others were finished cleaning their rooms & finished packing as well. We got our stuff & went downstairs to the lobby, turned in our keycards, put the stuff in the trunk & went inside the car. Only this time Roshaun was driving, Robert in the passenger side, the boys in the same seats as before, me & meya in the far back seats & drove off


*hour & a half later*

Me: hey do y'all wanna spend the night at my house?? My parents are out of town for the next couple of days
Everyone: bet
Robert: what about the girls?
Me: them too. Y/n will stay in her room & meya in the guest room
Ale: wait, y/n has her own room in YOUR house??
Me: yeah. My parents love her so much they gave her a room
Mattia: since when?
Me: like 2-3 days ago. I have my own room at her house as well, anyways we're here. I'mma go unlock the door & set up the guest room for meya. Rob, get our stuff off please
Robert: I got you
Kairi: here I'll help you


Ale: you do realize we gotta carry the girls inside right?? Unless you wanna wake them up?
Me: nah, let them sleep
Ale: alright. Well I'll let you take your girlfriend
Me: she's not- yk what nvm
I carried y/n inside the house, placed her in her bed, & covered her with a blanket. She started moving around & slowly opened her eyes & looked up at me
Y/n: hey, where are we?
Me: Roshaun's, we're all sleeping over.
Y/n: mmk
Me: go back to sleep mama
Y/n: goodnight baby
Me: night
I slowly closed the door & walked into Roshaun's room. Whenever y/n called me 'baby' it made me smile uncontrollably. She always called me & the boy's names like 'baby, luv, cuties, babies,' it was the cutest. I sat down with the boys in the living room. I was on my phone, as well as the others. I suddenly remembered we took pictures at the movies in the arcade area, so I went into my camera roll & saw pictures of y/n??

Me: hey what's this??
I faced my phone towards the guys
Ale: oh, y/n took pictures at the park while you were in the bathroom. I thought she told you?
Me: no
Kairi: I knew she'd forget to tell you
Me: why didn't she use her phone?
Ale: she had left it in the car
I looked back at the pictures, just admiring how beautiful she is. I said fuck it & posted it 😳
It was midnight & we decided to go to sleep, we were exhausted.

*Next day*


I started moving around in my bed trying to get comfortable, but I just couldn't. I looked up at the ceiling & just zoned out for awhile. It was Sunday & I'm pretty sure nun of us had plans, so why not have a bonfire on the beach? I check the time & it was 12:53pm. I got up to check if anyone was awake, but they weren't. I went into the guest room where meya was.

Y/n: meya
Meya: ...
Y/n: girl wake up
Meya ...
I started shaking her lightly
Meya: what happen?
Y/n: get ready
Meya: for what exactly?
Y/n: I decided we should have a bonfire on the beach today
Meya: okay bet! Are the boys ready?
Y/n: no, but I'm finna go wake them up
Meya: k, I'mma shower
Y/n: okay pues, be ready in an hour
I left & went where the boys were & TRIED waking them up
Y/n: rob
I shook him lightly
Robert: ...
Y/n: mmk
Y/n: Alejandro
Shook him lightly
Ale: ...
Y/n: kairiii
Shook him lightly
Kairi: ...
Y/n: damn wtf time did y'all gts?
Y/n: roshaun
I shook him lightly
Roshaun: damn girl, go back to sleep
He turned the other way
Y/n: uh uh rudeness
Y/n: wtfff. I just wanna spend time with you guys
I went over to Mattia, hoping he'd wake up
Y/n: mattia
Mattia: ...
Y/n: okay, but you're actually really adorable when you're asleep
Y/n: mattiaaa
Still no answer 🙄. I ran my fingers through his hair & he slowly started waking up
Y/n: hiiii 🥺
Mattia: good morning, what happen? What's up?
Y/n: it's actually almost 1 in the afternoon, but I wanna have a bonfire at the beach today, can you do me a favor & wake up the boys?? I tried, but clearly that did not work
Mattia: yeah I got you
Y/n: thank youuuuu!!! I'mma take a shower, tell them to be ready in an hour or so
Mattia: alright


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