Where's meya?

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It was the next day & I woke up at 2pm... wtf?? Why so late?? I was confused as to why I woke up late & why nobody woke me up. Meya was asleep right next to me. Honestly all I wanted was to sleep at this point, but I went to go check if the boys were awake.
I walked to check on Alejandro, he was still sleeping.
I walked into the room next door & saw that kairi & mattia were awake. Kairi was sitting on the edge of the bed playing on the ps4 & mattia was laying down on his phone

Kairi: oh hey
Mattia: hey
Y/n: how long have y'all been awake?? Why didn't you wake us up?
I sat on the bed next to Mattia
Kairi: chill, we wanted to let y'all sleep in
Y/n: yeah, well I'm going back to sleep. Mattia scoot over
Mattia: huh?
Y/n: I'm sleeping in here, meya kinda took over my bed & I'm not finna go deal with that
Mattia moved over & I laid down, didn't even know what happen but I knocked out!!


I was scrolling through Instagram when I felt y/n cuddle up next to me. She had her arm wrapped around my waist & her head on my chest, it was the cutest. I put my arm around her & continued scrolling through my phone

Kairi: hey do you thin- ohhhh I see you with your girlfriend, cute
Me: she's not my girlfriend
Kairi: not yet. You really like her huh?
Me: BAD!! Idk how to tell her, plus I don't think she'll like me back
Kairi: you never know bro, she might
Me: what if she doesn't?
Kairi: then you change her mind. Show her you'll do whatever to get her to like you, idk
Me: & how would I do that ?
Kairi: just show her you care, pay more attention to her. Like on Saturday how you won her that stuffed animal, do more things like that.
Me: we'll see how that goes
About an hour later meya & Alejandro came in the room

Meya: why tf is my girlfriend cuddled up with you? It's supposed to be me 🥺
Ale: looks like she's cheating on you
Kairi: damn. Me & meya really got cheated on, that hurts
Meya: you could've stopped it since you were in here with them. Then nun of this would've happen, we wouldn't have gotten cheated on
Me: shut up, y'all annoying 😂
Ale: she looks so cute while she's asleep
Meya: hold up, why is she in here?
Ale: I mean you guys were sharing a bed & you-
Kairi: you sleep crazy
Me: she said you took over her bed
Meya: okay, but look at her!! She's all up on you
Kairi: no that's different. You sleep like a fucking spider
Meya: that's no tru-
Ale: don't even deny it
Me: we ALL know it's true, we've seen it happen
Kairi: ever since we were kids
Ale: rude ass, doesn't let anyone sleep peacefully cause you always gotta kick someone
Kairi: don't forget the part were she throws her hands right in your face
Me: & you be taking all the covers
Kairi: yesss!!
Ale: you just don't be giving a fuck, that's why nobody ever wants to share a room with you
Me: no hate tho, we love you
Meya: I- that kinda hurt my feelings, FUCK YOU GUYS !! No HaTe ThO, i LoVe YoU
Ale: dude stfu, stop yelling
Kairi: you're gonna wake up y/n
Meya: well you guys shouldn't have said all that shit
Ale: it is kinda your fault tho
Me: I mean you did ask
Meya: okay, but nun of that was necessary. You didn't have to come at me like that. All I did was ask a simple question & you guys just threw all this shit at me
Ale: meya, calm down, it's not that serious
Meya: no, it is cause you guys were being rude asf when all I did was ask-
The room got quiet. I looked over at meya & you could tell her eyes got watery, next thing you know she walked out the room. I'm surprised y/n didn't wake up. Alejandro never got mad like that, especially at the girls.


When Alejandro yelled at me I got scared, like really scared. I've never seen him get mad like that, he has NEVER yelled at me or at anybody. I felt my eyes get watery, so I just walked out the room & left. I didn't know where I was gonna go, but I just kept going.

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