Somethings up

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Everyone was ready, so I went to drop them off at their houses. As much as I wanted to keep hanging out with them, I couldn't. I had to go pick up my cousin from the airport, he moved to Canada whenever we were kids & I've missed him a lot. His name is Mariano, but we call him mar.
Time passed by & we finally got back to my house. Mar greeted my parents, in fact he'll be staying with us for a couple weeks.

Mom: mijo, are you hungry? Would you like for me to make you anything?
Mar: no, tia it's fine
Dad: are you sure?
Mar: I'm sure, thank you tho
Dad: well, if you need anything don't be afraid to ask us, okay?
Mar: don't worry, I'll let you guys know
More time passed by, we were sitting in the kitchen just catching up
Mom: okay, well it's getting late & we're gonna go head off to bed
Dad: we'll see you guys tomorrow. Y/n, are you going to school tomorrow?
Ughhh, do I really wanna go? Yes, just for the sake of my friends, butttt....
Y/n: no. I'll just do my classes through the computer, plus I'm pretty sure mar doesn't wanna be alone. I'll probably take him out or something
Mom: okay, that's fine. Goodnight, love you both
Y/n: love you too
Mar: buenas noches
Dad: buenas noches hijos
{goodnight kids}
They walked upstairs to their room leaving me & mar in the kitchen
Mar: yk you don't have to skip school tomorrow just for me
Y/n: it's fine, I haven't been going anyway...
Mar: huh? Why is that?
Y/n: idk, it's better, I don't have to deal with teachers nor getting dress coded.
Mar: that's true, but what about your little friend group? Don't they miss you?
Y/n: I still see them, they slept over last night & I dropped them off before I came to get you
Mar: so how are your friends tho? Yk considering the fact that they don't like me
Y/n: they do like you
Mar: yeah right, last time we were on ft they thought we had something going on & they started talking shit to me
Y/n: I'm still so sorry about that, but you have to admit it was kinda funny. Especially cause they don't know we're cousins
Mar: whatever, I'm going to sleep, goodnight
Y/n: goodnight, see you tomorrow
With that being said we both went upstairs, he went to the guest room & I went into mine. I decided to text the group that I'm going to school tomorrow just in case they plan on picking me up

Da HoMiEs <3 😝

Y/N 😝;
Hey whores, just letting y'all
Know that I'm not going to school
Tomorrow, k bye ilyy

Mattia 😳;
What, why??

Kairi 🥺;
Wym you're not going???

Meya babyyy 🥰;
Why tf not?

Robert 🤮💙;
Bro wtf, we were hyped that you
Were coming back tomorrow 😡

Roshaun 🎂🤣;
^ yeah, what made you change your
Mind ??

Alejandro 🤩;
Seriously, y/n 😐

Alvaro 💙💙;
Come on, just go

I didn't answer the gc, idk why but I just didn't. I knew they were gonna try & convince me to go, but honestly it's not that serious, it's not like I've been going anyway, plus I wanted to spend time & catch up with mar.

*the next day*

It was around 2pm, I was already done with my online assignments & I had just got the shower. My parents went off to work & honestly, Idek if the group stopped by to try & take me to school. My phone had tons of missed calls & texts from them. I got dressed for the day since I'm taking mar out to wherever he wants

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