I'm sorry

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I got to the bleachers & saw no one there. Bro wtf?? I then felt someone cover my mouth & hold a knife to my throat

??: you tell anyone about what's happening & I'll hurt you okay?
I nodded my head in fear. The person let go. I turned around & saw that it was Julian
Julian: long time no see
Y/n: what do you want?
Julian: you
Y/n: yeah, no
Julian: it's not really a choice. I want you to become my girlfriend
Y/n: what? No, I'm sorry but that's not gonna happen
Julian: the day I went to California, we had a great time the first night
Y/n: I agree, but I actually have feelings for someone else
Julian: Ik it's Mattia. I'm gonna need you to stop whatever it is y'all have going on.
Y/n: fuck n-
Julian: & before you say no, again, it's not a choice. You're going to be my girlfriend whether you like it or not. You understand?
Y/n: yeah...
Julian: good. I'll be at your house waiting for you, straight after school. If you aren't there, then things won't go well.
Y/n: why are you doing this?
Julian: because I like you, a lot.
He then began to kiss my neck. He started to pull down my collar & saw my hickies
Julian: what's this?
Y/n: ...
Julian: hello?! I'm talking to you. Who did this? It was Mattia wasn't it?
He got really mad & slapped me
Julian: we're already off to a bad start. I gotta go, but I'll be waiting for you at your house & you better be there. Btw if you tell anyone I will hurt you even worse. I'll eventually find out
He grabbed the knife & cut my arm with it. He left after that, I was scared.
I went into the bathroom that was near by, luckily nobody used them during the day. I rinsed the blood off as much as I could. After that I didn't even go back to class. I went home & just cried in my room.


After y/n left with Mattia this morning I never saw her after that. It was lunch time rn, so maybe I'll see her in the cafeteria. I walked in & noticed y/n wasn't there, but Alvaro was. Weird, they always come in together.

Me: Alvaro where's y/n?
Alvaro: idk. She wasn't in class
Ale: why what's up?
Me: it's cause before we walked into first period she said she had to go somewhere & that she'd be right back, but she never came back to class
Mattia: I'm sure she just skipped
Me: wait, what? No. She said she was meeting up with you
Mattia: no. I haven't seen her since before first period. Have you texted her?
Robert: maybe she went home?
Ale: how? She doesn't have a ride. Her cars at home
Meya & Roshaun then approached us
Me: hey, have you guys seen y/n?
Meya: no
Roshaun: not since this morning why??
Me: bro wtf?? She couldn't have just left & not have somebody seen where she went
Meya: what's happening?
Mattia: the last time we all saw y/n was this morning before we went to class. She told kairi she was meeting up with me, but it wasn't true
Ale: she said she'd be back, but never did
Alvaro: she also wasn't in 4th period
Roshaun: I'm sure she just went home
Me: with what ride??? I doubt she went walking
Robert: has anyone texted her??
Everyone: no
Robert: then we probably should
So we did. We texted y/n, we waited & waited. No response.
Mattia: she's not answering. I'm going to her house
Meya: I'm going with you, I have a spare key to their house
Me: I'm going as well
Mattia: you guys stay here, if we don't find her then we'll come pick you guys up
Ale: alright, let us know what happens
Mattia: we will. Let's go
We ran out the cafeteria & drove to y/n's house. We started to worry, but hopefully she was home.


I kept getting texts from the group, but I just ignored them. I was sitting on the floor crying when I heard a knock at the door. I looked out the window & saw Mattia, as well as kairi & meya. I couldn't let them see me, so I went downstairs & ran out through the back door

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