Oop 😳

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*after school*

I was at home, just hangout trying to kill time before I go over to kairi's at 6. It was currently 5:45pm. I walked down stairs & saw my parents watching tv

Dad: hey mija
Mom: you heading out?
Y/n: yes actually, I'm going to kairis house. I'm leaving in like 10 minutes. It's okay if I go right?
Mom: ofc it is. What time are you coming home?
Y/n: I'm not sure, but I'll be home before 10
Dad: that's fine. How's meya? How are the boys?
Y/n: she's good, she hasn't been getting into too much trouble, so that's good. The boys are good as well.
Dad: how are you & mattia, I see the way that kid looks at you. He likes you mi niña, ask him out.
Y/n: apa no, tiene novia
{dad no, he has a girlfriend}
Mom: tiene novia ??
{he has a girlfriend?}
Mom: since when?
Y/n: like 3-4 weeks ago
Dad: que tristeza. Y te llevas bien con ella??
{that's sad. Do you get along with her?}
Y/n: ai apa no!! Es una amargada, como me cai mal
{ugh dad no!! She thinks she's the shit, I can't stand her.}
Y/n: meya & the boys don't like her either
Mom: why??
Y/n: she doesn't let Mattia do anything!! She controls him, she's the reason why we all haven't hung out together. & the only reason he can today, is because she's going. She says she doesn't trust me & meya with him 🙄. We all got into it with her today at lunch actually.
Mom: ohhh hell nooo. If you wanna have your friends over, please make her she doesn't step foot in this house!!
Y/n: mommy I won't. Nun of us want her to be there today, but it's literally the only way we get to hangout with Mattia 🤦🏽‍♀️
Y/n: Pues ya me tengo que ir. Tengo que recoger a meya y luego los vamos pa la case de kairi
{well I have to go. I have to go pick up meya & then we'll leave to kairis house}
Dad: ten cuidado y/n
{be careful y/n}
Mom: don't be out too late
Y/n: I will apa, don't worry. Okay ma, I'll see y'all later. Bye, love you
I walked out the door, got into my car, drove to meya's house, & the headed to kairis

Meya: bitch what if the guys aren't here yet?
Y/n: It'll be fine, it's not like we're strangers around here
We both got out the car & knocked on the door. Maiya, kairis little sister opened the door
Maiya: heyyyy !! My favorites
She gave us both a hug
Meya: hi mama, how are you??
Maiya: I've been good, come in
Y/n: where's your parents??
Maiya: in the kitchen. Mom, dad!! Meya & y/n are here, they wanna say hi
K/d: hello girls
K/m: hello, how are you ?
Meya: we're good, how are you guys?
K/m: we're good
K/d: how's school ?
Y/n: boring, the usual learning
K/d: I bet, well kairi is upstairs in his room & if you need anything we'll be here
K/m: Can I talk to the both of you real quick?
Meya: yeah that's fine
She pulled us both into the kitchen
Y/n: is everything okay??
K/m: oh no, everything is fine. I was just wondering if you girls could do me a favor??
Meya: ofc, anything. What is it?
K/m: maiya's birthday is on Saturday & we're planning on throwing her a surprise birthday party. I was wondering if you both could take her out while we set up?
Y/n: ofc!! Anything for maiya, we love her. Will it be here at the house??
K/m: yes it will & obviously you guys are more then welcome to stay, you don't have to tho.
Meya: no, we'll stay. Like y/n said we both love her. Is there a specific time you want us to pick her up??
K/m: can you guys pick her up 11am & bring her around 4 ??
Meya: yeah that's perfectly fine
K/m: thank you both so much, I really appreciate it. You guys are well loved in this house
Y/n: & we love you & your beautiful family
K/m: go before kairi thinks you guys aren't coming
We left the kitchen & walked to kairis room.

Y/n: hi my luvs
Kairi: wth took you guys so long??
Leslie: was hoping you guys didn't come
Mattia: Leslie can you not?
Meya: no it's fine Mattia. This is like our second home, don't ever think we won't show up. Anywaysss, we actually got here a while ago
Y/n: we were just talking to your parents
Roshaun: y'all trynna play 2 truths & a dare ??
Kairi: oh shit I didn't know we were in 6th grade!
Meya: seriously tho
Roshaun: we'll do sum else after
Everyone: fine
Roshaun: meya I got a WILD dare, for you since you wanna take kairis side.
Meya: kairi is the one who actually said sum
Roshaun: don't worry I got him too
Kairi: wow
Roshaun: I'mma start off with the dare
Meya: okay
Roshaun: I dare you to go live on ig, don't even say nun & just make out with y/n for 5 seconds & end
the live
The boys just started laughing
Y/n: why put me through this? I didn't take anyone's side!!!
Roshaun: sorry babe
Meya: fine, it's not like we haven't made out before
The boys eyes widen
Ale: wait, what ???!!!
Robert: when was this??
Roshaun: why wasn't I there ?
Alvaro: deadass
Mattia: no fr
Leslie: wth Mattia?
Kairi: how did I not know about this??
Leslie: you both are disgusting
Y/n: really? Cause your boyfriend kinda kissed kairi, but you ain't ready for that conversation yet
Leslie: what whe-
Meya: stfu bitch, I'm boutta start this live
Meya then went live & we both made out for 5 seconds & ended it 💀. After 1 minute both of our phones started blowing up, we just laughed.
Alvaro: I didn't think y'all would actually do that
Y/n: but we did, twice actually
The boys: TWICE??!
meya: yeah, it was also a dare
Y/n: except we didn't go live, now people finna be assuming shit
Roshaun: you'll be fine, just remember that kairi & mattia kissed
Meya: bitch that was a peck, we MADE OUTTT !!
Ale: y'all seemed sooo into it tho-
Y/n: shut up
Roshaun: meya have you ever had feelings for y/n?
Meya: no
Roshaun: What is something you've always wanted to try but have been too scared of?
Meya: skydiving. I don't wanna die
Roshaun: true, alright pick some
Meya: Alejandro you're next
Ale: alright
Meya: Text 2 of your friends right now & ask him/her to join you for a threesome
Ale: bet
He got out his phone & started typing for awhile till 2 phones got a notification
Meya: ohh shit!! Lmfaooo yeah no
Alvaro: I'mma have to pass, but it if was a different female
Meya: okay...
Meya: Who do you find most attractive in this room?
Everyone: oooo
Ale: you...
Meya: wait what ? 😳
Meya: mmk, next question..
Meya: Which cartoon character do you resemble the most?
Ale: idk
Mattia: it's curious George
We started dying of laughter
Ale: haha funny 🙄
He said sarcastically
Ale: y/n your turn
Y/n: bet
Ale: Have you ever had sex in the swimming pool/the sea?
Kairi: wtffff!!
Roshaun: ohhh
Alvaro: shittt
Mattia: woahhh
Leslie: uhhh
Robert: nasty ass
Ale: I didn't know that
Meya: wait bitch with who !!??
Y/n: you know who!!
I went into her ear & whispered
Y/n: Rolando
Meya: ohhh I forgot about himmm!!!
Ale: próxima pregunta
Leslie: huh??
Roshaun: it means 'next question' even me & Robert knew that
Y/n: how the hell are you Hispanic & not know what that means??? Tienes el pinche nopal en la frente
{someone who's Hispanic, but doesn't speak Spanish}
Meya: no seriously
Ale: anywayssss. Y/n, Have you ever had a crush on someone that your best friend has dated?
Y/n: no
Ale: idk what dare to give you
Kairi: I do
Kairi started whispering into Alejandros ear
Ale: no, what if that causes problems
Kairi: so?? at least yk who won't be here anymore
Mattia: what are y'all talking about??
Y/n: & why would there be problems ?
Robert: whatever the dare is just give it to her
Meya: yolo
Ale: fine. Y/n I dare you to make out with Mattia
Mattia: I-
Y/n: that was the dare?
Leslie: fuckkkk noooo!!! She's not doing that
Meya: a dares a dare luv
Roshaun: this finna be goooodddd!!
Leslie: Mattia if you allow her to do this, we're breaking up
I walked up to Mattia, sat on his lap, facing him, & looked over at Leslie
Y/n: looks like you guys are breaking up
I smashed my lips into his & just went at it
Meya: yeahhh those are my babiessss
Roshaun: oop
Kairi: Leslie looks like it's your time to leave, you won't be missed
Alvaro: byeeee
Robert: leaveee
She finally left after & eventually me & mattia pulled away from each other


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