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Leslie: hey are you okay?
Y/n: why do you care?
Leslie: because I saw what he did to you back there
Y/n: well you clearly have bad eye site, because nothing happen
I walked over to the sink & began washing my hands
Leslie: look Ik we've had our past, but Ik something is wrong... does he hit you?
Y/n: no! Tf are you talking about??
Leslie: you can trust me with this. My moms a cop & she'd want to help
Y/n: look as much as I want someone to save me it just can't happen. I'm scared of what'll happen to me
Leslie: & I completely get it, but please just let me help you
Y/n: why do you wanna help me?
Leslie: I can't tell you unless you come with me.
Y/n: even if I were to go with you where exactly would you be taking me? He knows where I live
Leslie: you can stay with me. Like I said my mom would want to help, you just gotta trust me.
Y/n: idk
Leslie: Ik you're scared, but all this could be over soon. The longer you stay the more hard it'll be to leave
Do I really wanna go? I mean if Julian found out I was with Mattia then I'd get hurt really bad. But this was my only chance to leave
Y/n: fine, I'll go with you
Leslie: good. Cause even if you said no I was gonna eventually make you
She snuck me out the restaurant & we got into her car
Leslie: call your parents & let them know you're staying with me
She started the car & went on to driving
Y/n: okay
I texted my mom & told her I was staying at a friends for a couple days. Luckily my mom was okay with it. Once we got to Leslie's house we went into her room

Leslie: my mom should be here soon & then we can talk to her
Y/n: hey um, thank you for taking me out back there at the restaurant
Leslie: no, yeah. I just figured you were in trouble & I didn't wanna leave you with him
Y/n: can I ask you a question tho?
Leslie: what is it?
Y/n: why did you help me?
Leslie: it was about three years ago, I started dating this guy. He was super sweet & very caring... in the beginning. Some time after we had been together for 7 months things started to change. He started yelling & getting mad at me for the smallest things. Next thing yk I was getting hit. He took out his anger on me.
Y/n: how'd you finally tell someone?
Leslie: it took me numerous times to finally tell someone. My mom had recently started working as a cop & I just told her. Ever since she's been taking her job seriously especially when it came to girls with the same situation
Y/n: I'm sorry about the shit I've said to you in the past. If I knew your story, then I wouldn't have-
Leslie: you don't need to apologize, you simply didn't know. If you don't mind me asking... how'd you get caught up in all this?
I explained everything from beginning to end. From the moment I met Julian until now
Leslie: I'm sorry this is happening to you. It sucks, it really does. But trust me it'll all be over soon
Y/n: I really just didn't wanna be at my house. Especially after today-
I started crying. I didn't tell about what happen today. I didn't tell her that I saw Mattia, I didn't tell her that I got raped
Y/n: yk how I said that Julian told m-me that I couldn't s-see Mattia?
Leslie: yeah, what about it?
Y/n: I- uhh I saw him today...
Leslie: like from a distance?
Y/n: no, like w-we were in the same room & he told me to stay b-because he m-missed me. When he said that I-I asked him how c-come he didn't hate me, he s-said that he could n-never hate me. & I broke down c-crying because it h-hurt me knowing t-that I hurt him as w-well
She didn't say anything, she just came & hugged me.
After awhile I calmed myself.
Y/n: something else actually happen today, besides the whole Mattia situation
Leslie: what is it? You can te-
??: Leslie I'm home!!!
Leslie: that's my mom. You ready to go talk to her?
Y/n: ...
Leslie: it's okay to be scared, but like I said it'll be over soon. It's better to get out of it now then to wait, because things are gonna get worse.
Y/n: you're right. Let's go then, I guess...
We went to the kitchen & found her mom
Leslie: hey mom, how was work?
L/m: it was a slow day, but who is this?
Leslie: this is y/n. We kinda have to talk to you
L/m: is everything okay?
Leslie: not really
We sat down at the kitchen table
L/m: what is it that you'd like to tell me?
Y/n: ...
Leslie: it's okay, you can talk to her
I struggled to tell Leslie's mom what I was going through, but it eventually all came out. I even told her about me getting raped earlier today
L/m: do you have any information on where he lives or where he works??
Y/n: he works at the mall, at champs. He works from Tuesday- Friday, he goes in at 10am-9pm. & Ik where he lives, but I'm not sure what his address is, today was my first time going over
L/m: okay, good. I will look into this, but in the mean time please just try to be around other people. I'd hate for you to get hurt even worse
Leslie: mom is it okay if she stays here for a couple days?
L/m: ofc, you can stay as long as you want. Have you told your parents that you'll be staying?
Y/n: yes I did
L/m: is it okay if I get their number? I just want to inform them that you'll be safe with me
Y/n: okay that's fine
I gave her my mom & dads number. She made food, but I wasn't hungry. Julian kept texting me asking where I was, that I should come back, saying he wasn't gonna hurt me anymore, but I knew it was a lie just to get me back

L/m: y/n is it okay if I ask you a couple questions? I just kinda need a little more information about yourself
Y/n: yeah, that's okay
L/m: how old are you?
Y/n: 16
L/m: if you're not going to school, how do you get your assignments done?
Y/n: online
L/m: do you have any siblings?
Y/n: no ma'am
L/m: you live with your parents, correct?
Y/n: yes ma'am
L/m: okay. I need to ask you one last question. Has Julian left you any bruises?
Y/n: ... y-yes
L/m: can I ask where, exactly?
Y/n: uhh, my arms, my legs & my stomach...
I rolled up my sleeve, revealing sum of the bruises I had on my arm. She took out a camera & took a picture of the bruises on my arm, along with the ones on my legs & stomach
L/m: I will take this in tomorrow & I'll let yk what comes up
Y/n: thank you, btw
L/m: it's my job, I just want you safe
Leslie: come on, let's go to my room
We went over to her room & just talked about things from our childhood.

Leslie: hey if you wanna take a shower the bathroom is right across the hall & you can take whatever from my closet
Y/n: thank you, Ik I keep saying that but I seriously mean it
I went to shower. I got in & randomly broke down crying. After what happen today I knew I wasn't gonna be the same. I felt very uncomfortable, every time I closed my eyes I pictured Julian forcing himself on me. How am I supposed to tell my parents about all this? Finally after a good 20-30 minutes I got out, got dressed & went back to Leslie's room
Leslie: I'm assuming Mattia got you that?
She pointed to the necklace
Y/n: yeah. He gave it to me the night before I got caught up in all this. I never took it off, because it makes me feel closer to him. Even if he's not around & I'm actually surprised Julian hasn't noticed it
Leslie: Ik Mattia is my ex, but I can tell how much he cares about you. I've seen the way he looks at you, he doesn't look at anyone else that way.
Y/n: what if he doesn't like me anymore? I still do
Leslie: I'm pretty sure he still does. Even after what happen that night
Y/n: hopefully he still does...
Leslie: hey I was gonna sleep in my moms room & let you sleep in here, but after what ha-
Y/n: uhh yeah, you could stay. I really don't wanna be alone
I laid down & I kinda struggled to fall asleep, but I eventually did


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