Chapter 2

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The two had eventually found a place to spend the night. It was a simple little shaft coming off the alley. It didn't look like anyone had used it for a while, so he went in and tied his dog up to one of the support beams inside. After he changed his pull-up, he went through his suitcase and pulled out a sleeping bag, a couple pillows, and a blanket. After setting it all up next to his dog, he patted the pillows to invite the furry creature to lay beside him. Once he got the dog to settle down, he reached back into his suitcase and grabbed his pacifier and his favorite stuffed animal. It looked like his dog, except it had a light grey unicorn horn and wings. He had a few others, but he didn't really think he needed them out at the moment. He layed down and pulled the blanket over himself, gently suckling on the pacifier. As he fell asleep, he couldn't help but notice a grey and white owl staring at him from the window, its yellow orbs fixated on his every movement.

He awoke to shuffling and sat up, looking around. His dog sat next to the door, staring at him. He got up and untied the leash, holding on to it as he opened the door and stood in the doorway while she did her business. Once she was done, he brought her back inside and shut the door again. He let the leash drop to the ground while he opened up the front part of his suitcase. He pulled out a small can of dog food and a paper plate. After feeding his dog, he threw the dirty plate outside as well as the can lid. 

He pulled a bottle of water out of his suitcase and poured a little bit of water into the can to rinse it out, dumping the dirty water outside. He then placed the can on the ground and poured water in the can until it was a little over halfway full. He drank the rest of the water in the bottle. After packing all his sleeping stuff back into the suitcase and getting dressed in some clean clothes, he zipped it up and tied his dog back to the support beam and walked outside. He made sure the door was shut good and started walking, making sure to note all of his surroundings. He wanted to try and find a job, but his choices were pretty limited considering that he didn't have any identification. After walking for a few minutes, he found himself back at the cafe he had visited the night before. He pulled his black hood over his head and walked inside, glancing around a bit. 

He saw the man from the night before sitting at the same table. Before he could make his escape, the man looked up from his coffee and motioned him over. Kaike would have sprinted out of there, but he couldn't. In fact, he found his legs taking him straight to the table. He sat down across from the man and stared at the napkin dispenser awkwardly. There was a long, uncomfortable silence before the man suddenly started speaking, startling Kaike a bit. "What do you want?"

Kaike looked up from the napkin dispenser. "Huh?"

"Who are you working for?"

Kaike stared at him blankly. "Uh... Nobody...?" he said, not really sure what to say.

The man narrowed his eyes, studying Kaike. "Then you wouldn't mind coming over to my place for a bit?"

Kaike looked at him, confused. "Uh... Why? And is it far? 'Cause if it's far then n-"

He wasn't able to finish as the man suddenly grabbed his wrist, then everything became too bright. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to get rid of the light. A few seconds went by and he heard a voice.

"Get up."

Confused, he opened his eyes and realized he had curled into a ball on the ground. Embarrassed, he quickly scrambled back to his feet and looked around, realizing that he wasn't in the cafe anymore. Alarmed, he opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. A quick glance around showed that he was in a living room of some sort. He could see two boys sitting in front of the TV, playing a video game. They looked to be just a couple years older than him. He recognized the one on the right from the night before at the cafe. He had a white stripe and a black stripe on the hair that swept over the back of his neck. The white stripe was on top  and the black stripe was under it. The pattern for both lines was sort of like connected U-shapes, making it look somewhat like the tail of a Blue Jay. The boy on the left was slightly older than the other. His pale gold and orange hair was short, but it was also a little poofy and curly. Kaike couldn't see their faces from where he was, but it looked like they were having a lot of fun. 

He turned to see the man staring intently at him. "u-uhm..." he stuttered, shifting uncomfortably. The man sighed and started walking into a hallway. "Hurry up," he ordered, not looking back. Not really seeing any other options, Kaike followed. The hallway was dark and rather long, having several other hallways that went off of it. The whole place seemed like a huge maze, with seemingly endless connected hallways and staircases stuffed at the end of each hall (at least, the ones that had ends not connected to another hallway). Kaike tried to memorize where they were going in case he needed to make a quick escape, but he eventually wasn't able to keep up and started trailing behind. The man turned around and waited. Kaike, who wasn't paying much attention because he was trying to study the layout, bumped into him. Kaike turned around quickly. "Sor-" He was cut off when the man slammed him into a wall and grabbed him up by the collar of his hoodie, lifting him up to eye level.

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