Chapter 4

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I stared down at the motionless figure while my wings retracted. There were a lot more of these monsters popping up lately. Oktau is still looking into it. Speaking of Oktau, where the hell is he? I thought as I looked around. I couldn't see the damned owl anywhere. He was supposed to be watching the suspect tonight as well. I sighed and shook my head before turning my attention towards the boy in question. Kneeling beside him, I studied the wound. It wasn't too bad. He definitely needed some sort of medical help, though. As I lifted him up, I took note of how light he was. He also had bleeding wounds down his arms and legs. Had those been there before? Shrugging it off, I shut my eyes and let the light swallow both of us.

Normal POV

Kaike woke up with light hitting his face. He sat up in the bed and stared around, trying to shake off the haze of sleep. It was a pretty tiny room, with the small bed taking up half of it. There wasn't that much else to the room other than a nightstand tucked between the bed and the wall. The floor was a dark laminate and the walls were a simple light creme color. Standing up, Kaike walked to the light switch next to the door. He turned it off and climbed back into bed.

Just as he pulled the covers back, he heard a voice behind him.


His heart skipped a beat as he turned around, realizing that the door had been standing wide open the entire time. Standing there was the blue haired boy from the cafe and the golden blond boy he had seen with him. Kaike stood back up and stared at him, not sure what to do or say. The golden blonde boy rolled his eyes and motioned for Kaike to come on. "Hurry up. Alliru told us to fetch you." He said as he turned. Kaike stood there for a few seconds before going after the two of them. "Wait!" He called out as he caught up. They turned around and the blue haired boy smiled at him while the other gave him a slight glare. Kaike gulped. "Uhh... what are your names? I'm Kaike."

The blue haired boy waved at him. "I'm Blue and this is Chase." He said, motioning to his companion cheerfully. Chase rolled his eyes and started walking again. "Can we hurry up? I don't wan to be stuck doing this all day." Blue laughed and followed Chase. Not seeing many other options, Kaike did the same. They walked through the hallways for a few minutes before Chase stopped and opened a door. Kaike was pushed inside by the two of them before it was shut behind him. He pouted and looked back. Why did they do that??

Before he could do anything, he heard a voice behind him. "Sit." 

He turned around and realized he was in the same room that man had brought him to before. Tracing his eyes to the source of the voice, he realized it was the same guy from before looking expectantly at him through narrowed eyes. He stared back, his mouth suddenly dry while his jaw hung slightly down. He was snapped back to reality when the man repeated, "Sit."

Kaike swallowed and slid into a chair in front of the desk, not taking his eyes off of the man. The man watched him, his calm demeanor never changing. There were a few moments of silence as he studied Kaike.

Kaike decided to break the silence. "Can you please just tell me who you are already? The author is starting to get really tired of saying 'the man' when they address you."

The man raised an eyebrow at him, pausing for a moment. "The author? You know what, nevermind. I am Ezial. Now, tell me who you are before things turn sideways."

Kaike pursed his lip and stared at Ezial. What he said could have just been a metaphor, but after seeing what this guy was capable of, it could be a very literal statement. Kaike took a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh. "I'm Lance." He stated flatly.

Ezial stared coldly at Leo. He knew this kid was probably lying, but he decided to play along with it. "Where are you from, Lance?"

Kaike thought for a minute. "Houston." He lied.

Ezial paused for a moment. "What are you doing in New York then? Where are your parents?"

Silence hung in the air while Kaike searched for an answer. "...uh..." Kaike stuttered, looking around the room while trying to get his brain to work just this one time.

Ezial continued to stare at him, not moving a hair. His hands were folded neatly over eachother on the desk and his icy eyes bore into Kaikes small figure. "I'm waiting." He said after a few minutes passed.

Kaike flinched and stuttered for a few seconds, his gaze darting back to Ezial. "I-I uh... I'm eighteen. I moved here for college."

Ezial raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What school are you going to?"

Kaike froze with his mouth open slightly. He didn't know any of the colleges in New York. Or even if there were colleges here. Then he stopped himself, of course there's colleges here! What was he even thinking? "Um..." Kaike pretended to think about it for a few seconds before continuing. "I can't really remember the name." He said with a shrug.

Ezial continued to stare at him expectantly. There was a long moment of silence that seemed to last for years before he spoke again. "Alright, so what's your real name? And what are you actually doing here?"

Kaike sighed defeatedly. "I'm Leo Archer. And where I'm from isn't any of your business." He said, rolling his eyes. It wasn't a lie. Leo was his first name, and Kaike was his second name. He just preferred to go by his second name.

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