Chapter 3

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Kaike gasped in pain and grabbed the his arm, digging his nails in desperately. Cold green eyes glared into his light amber ones. The cold silence remained for what felt like centuries until Kaike was suddenly dropped. Unprepared, he collapsed on the ground and scrambled back to his feet. He was about to run away when he realized that he was no longer in the hallway, but in a room. Looking around, he noticed that the room didn't really have much to it. There were a few bookshelves, as well as a fish tank with potted ferns on either side. Kaike was immediately mesmerized by the fish tank and there is no reason to describe the rest of the room because the fish tank is all that matters.

Kaike wandered over to the tank and stared into it for a few seconds before he realized that something was off. He couldn't quite place what it was at first, but then it hit him! There were no fish!!!! Wide-eyed, he turned around with his mouth slightly agape. The man raised a brow. "What?"

Kaike pouted and pointed at the tank, barely realizing that he had started to slip into littlespace. "Fishies!"

The man stared at Kaike, then the tank, then back at Kaike. "It's just for show, living fish are a nuisance."

Kaike looked at him, confused. Why had he put emphasis in the word living? He didn't really feel like thinking very much, so he just shrugged it off.

The man sat down at a desk that was in the middle of the room and motioned for Kaike to sit across from him. Kaike complied and plopped down.

The man stared straight into Kaikes eyes for what felt like years. Kaike squirmed uncomfortably, trying to look away, but the fact that he knew someone was staring at him made him need to stare back. He became so enveloped in the silence that when the man started speaking, he startled.

"So, how about you start with telling me who you are?"

Kaike flinched at his tone. He pouted and looked at him. "How 'bout yous'?"

The man raised an eyebrow, confused.

Kaike huffed. "What you name?"

The man rolled his eyes. "That's not important."

Kaike crossed his arms. "Well I no tell you my name if you no tells me you name!"

The man sighed and rubbed his temple, annoyed. "Who are you working for?"

Kaike sat in silence for a few seconds, trying to make up a smartass remark. "Me FBI. Open! Open!" He said loudly, giggling a little.

The man groaned and face palmed, sliding his hand down his face in annoyance. Then he straightened up and shot Kaike an icy glare as he put his hands together on the desk. A dark silence hung in the air. Suddenly, a cold shock went through Kaikes entire body. It felt like someone was stabbing him everywhere at once with a frozen shards of glass and ice. He screamed and fell out of the chair, writhing on the ground. He continued the scream as tears slid down his face. The pain went on for what felt like forever before it dulled away and his screamed died down to sobs as he curled into a ball, still on the ground. The last thing he saw before drifting off were shoes walking towards him. Oh no. The feet have finally taken over the world!

When he woke, he was... standing? In the cafe? And where did that guy go? Still sore and freaked out, he decided to push it from his mind. Quickly, he walked out of the cafe and into the dying daylight. Had he really been there that long? Suddenly, he realized how hungry he was.  Speed walking away, he headed back to where he had left his stuff and his dog. But as he approached it, he saw the wooden door had been ripped off its hinges. His breath hitching, he ran the rest of the way and burst in only to find his worst nightmare.

His suitcase had been cut open, its contents spread all over the ground. The leash that had been used to tie the dog up -his dog- had been cut in half, and the animal herself was nowhere to be seen. Trembling, he collapsed on the ground and started screaming while he thrashed every limb onto the concrete as hard as he could. He did this until blood had been scraped all over the floor around him before going limp, too tired to get back up. He stared at his bloody hand as he slowly started to come back to his senses. His throat was dry and it felt like cracked sandpaper when he breathed. His stomach felt like it was turning in on itself. He was in pain, both from whatever had happened to him and from his fit.

Slowly, he sat up and looked down at his bloody hands before crawling to what was left of the suitcase. As he shifted the scraps around, blood was wiped over everything he touched. He eventually found a water bottle and drank all of it. At least his throat wasn't in hell anymore, but now his hunger was even worse.

He dragged a few pillows and blankets out of his suitcase and laid on them, staring up at the ceiling as he listened to his own shaking breath. Suddenly, a loud bark came from outside. Jumping to his feet, he ran out, forgetting the pain, blood, and hunger. As he looked around the growing darkness, he saw a medium-sized canine figure sitting a few feet in front of him. He squealed and lunged at it, hugging the dog tightly. But as soon as he did so, something felt wrong. Horribly wrong. 

Before he could register the feeling, he heard a low growl. As he tried to move away from the dog, he felt a ripping pain on his shoulder. He screamed and kicked, trying to push the animal off of him. He saw a flash of light before he drifted off to darkness.

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