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"Mr. Kim, I know you've just arrived but the reason for this emergency meeting just landed on my desk. We are tasked to join a high-profile FBI case." Jin's supervisor flashes a folder in front of him. "Okay. let hear it." Jin sits back in the seat that his supervisor offers him.

"There have been five security breaches in the Department of Defense database by a foreign entity in the last three days." The supervisor informs Jin. Jin sits up straight after hearing the interesting information, and with the little information that he has heard, begins to surmise. "The Department of Defense's database is highly secured." Jin hums. "With it only being three days, it tells me that the breaches are being done by more than one foreign entity. It seems to be a coordinated effort between multiple foreign government agencies. A highly sophisticated cyber-attack at that." Jin nods his head in agreement with himself.

"Yes, and this is where you will come in. The FBI is requesting our best and that is you. This is your specialty area.  I will be submitting your name and will also tell them that you will be more than happy to assist them." Jin, as always, takes assignment as a challenge and looks forward to the bigger challenge with one exception. "So, who will take the US cases I have assigned to me?" "I am way ahead of you Jin. I will be transferring them today to Nam." The supervisor beam with pride in always being one step ahead of Jin's thoughts. He laughs.

"Okay. Well I'll await more update. Just send the updates to my office." Jin tells the supervisor. "Oh, Mr. Kim, one more thing." "Yeah." "You will be working from the FBI headquarters starting in the AM. Good day and Good Luck." The supervisor gets up from his desk and Jin thanks the supervisor and leaves the office.


JK has just left the Agency's briefing room when he is stopped by the Bureau's Chief. "May I have a word with you JK?" JK doesn't let his bewilderment show, but he is taken aback that the Bureau's chief wants to talk with him and knows him by his preferred name. "Yes Chief." JK replies and they reenter the briefing room.

"You have been reassigned to a new case. This particular case needs your sole attention." JK looks at the documents that he is presented with. "Cyber-crime? Chief, I am afraid that this is not quite in my area of expertise." The Chief motions for JK to take a seat. "You will probably think differently once you hear me out."  The Chief furrows his eyebrows.  "The cyber-crime in this case has ties with oligarchies of crime families." JK sits up straight. "Okay, now this information has piqued my interest." "Good, so here is the file for your perusal.  Your team is already being set up so, we are not privy to all of the team members' names as of yet. The first meeting is scheduled in the AM. You will be notified of the exact time. Read it well. As the lead agent, you will need to present a thorough and knowledgeable assessment as how to proceed on this case." JK is excited because he hasn't been challenged since he took on the Gambino case. "Will do. On it now."

JK spent the day preparing the case to present before the selected team tomorrow. He finishes his initial assessment and preparation and leaves for the day. He make a stop to pick up dinner. He arrives home and gets out of this car, and looks over at Jin's house and remembers their encounter.  Jin, in the meantime, is in his home office looking over his files to present to the FBI agent in charge of the case. 

It is morning and as usual, they speak but this time, they both used each other's preferred names.  Jin has already made himself breakfast.  He wanted to make sure he would be on time for his new assignment and didn't want to risk a long wait in line for his usual breakfast.  JK, as usual, stops by his favorite café and orders his usual. Jin arrives at the FBI's headquarter early and JK gets to his office at his assigned scheduled time.  


Halfway there.  Thank you for your continued support.  I interchanged JK and Jungkook.  From now on, I will just use the name JK.  I will be publishing "A Few Stolen Moments", an angst, within a couple of days.  Please watch for it and support it.   Also, "Strictly Personal", the sequel, is also slated to be published within a couple of days.  I am still ironing out some wrinkles in it so, if the time is extended, please bear with me.  It will be within a couple of days or by next week at the latest.  I am excited.  Looking forward to your comments.       

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