Dove Takami

95 5 6

Unicorn-Flowers (I'm pretty sure you said you shipped it, i don't remember-)

Her quirk is rabbit cuz I couldn't think of a good quirk. Her skin is brown and she has a patch of vitiligo on her face. Her eyes are red, it might change to a light brown just so she looks more like Hawks tho.

Dove is shy. She is in the support course because she would hate the attention of being a hero. She can draw.

She's currently being shipped with my Dabi x Toga son because drama between Dabi and Hawks-

Dove: if your gonna call me a bitch, put sad before it!
Dove: My way, my way, or maybe your way because you're being very mean to me.

I love this trend lmao.

I didn't wanna draw her rabbit ears cuz I have to work on my book-

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