Chapter Eleven - Rain

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Rain blinked away sleep as she heard her Father's heavy footsteps in the hallway. Is he already headed to work? How late is it? Three moons, I must have slept in! Well, I'm feeling better I guess...
She stumbled off of her sleeping ledge as her Father opened the door. "Hey Rain, your awake?".
She took a step towards the doorway and flicked her tail. "Yeah. Do you need something?".
Her Father shook his head. "Just letting you know I'm going to work. Ray is going to be home today and Reef might stop by later".
Rain sighed. "Can I just get a break for today? I was walking around town with him all day yesterday".
His eyes softened. "I know...I'll see if he can choose something to do that won't take so long".
Rain groaned and threw her head back. "What do I have to do-".
She gasped as a feeling of nausea fell over her. Three moons, not again! I was just sick yesterday!
She clenched her head and covers herself with her wings, shivering. I feel horrible...Will it come today? I'm not ready...I'm only eight, I can't do this!
She realized her father was still in the doorway and looked up.
He gave her a weird look and turned away. "Right, see you later tonight. Ask Ray if you need anything". She soon heard his talons walking out the front door.
Rain frowned and walked into their small kitchen, checking the cabinets for anything good.
"There's nothing in there, believe me".
Ray's voice started Rain and she spun around. "Oh, it's you!".
Ray smiled and came up besides her little sister. "You're have to go into town for some food. Maybe we can go later?".
Rain nodded slowly. "Yeah- Well, if Reef doesn't come over today...".
A unreadable expression crossed Ray's face. She looked down and touched Rain's side softly. "When do you think it will come?".
Rain blinked up at her. "What...? Y-you know?".
Ray gave her a sad smile. "Of course I know...I probably knew before you knew". She drew her talon back and opened another cabinet.
Rain sat down. " do you...?".
Ray blinked. "I just do, Rain. And I know what Reef did to you and I know you don't want to marry him-".
Rain sighed. "If it's not obvious enough...".
Ray let out a small laugh. "But, it will be okay. You and your dragonet — preferably your daughter, if it's a girl, does it feel like a girl-".
A loud knock made both of them jump. "Hey! It's Reef!".
Rain held back the world's longest groan. If it does come will I get right of him? I can't tell him, who knows what he'll do!
Reef bust in as if he was perfectly welcome. "Ah, good morning girls! Isn't it a lovely day?".
Ray looked up at the window and snorted at the gray clouds. "Isn't it a bit early for you to be going out? Plus, it's cold! I don't want Rain to get sick-".
Reef pointed his snout down at her. "Nonsense! I walked all the way here and I'm fine! Come on, Rain, what do you want to do today?".
She looked down. "I want to stay home. I'm tired and I don't feel good".
He raised his eyebrows. "Oh! Are you still sick to your stomach like yesterday?".
She nodded and wrapped her tail around herself uncomfortably.
He looked at her and then Ray. "Hmm. I guess I'll come back tomorrow, but don't you think you can suddenly push me away every day!". He made his way to the door and turned around to look at her. "Bye, Rain, I hope you feel better...Love you".
Rain's head snapped up. What did he say? Nope, nope, nope!
Ray nudged her. "First of all, ew, he's a horrible dragon, but second of all, awwww, Someone's in love with my sister".
Rain swatted her away. "No, no! He does not love me! He just like to make a show in front of other dragons".
Ray tilted her head. "Aw, well, I would head into town if you want breakfast".

•        •        •

Rain moved her tail as another CoastWing dragonet nearly tripped on it. "Sorry!" She called over her shoulder.
The main part of town was always busy. Reef said they live at the edge of town..right?
When Rain has been eating her seagull, she had had a idea. Okay, it wasn't the BEST idea, but, it did involve learning. She was going to go see Azar...and maybe or maybe not bombard him with questions.
It made since for him to live at the edge of town since it seemed no one was fond of seeing him or Droplet. Oo, maybe I'll see Droplet too! I bet she could answer some of my questions
As she turned onto the last path on the edge of town, she came face to face with a bright blue dragonet with a yellow underbelly. It took her a minute to realize he didn't have the wings of a CoastWing...
She let out a yelp and jumped to the side. A FlickerWing dragonet, here, in town!
The dragonet gave her a concerned look. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I almost ran into you".
She blinked at him. Wait...if he's a FlickerWing...why is he blue?
She let out a gasp as the realization hit her. "Y-your a hybrid!".
"So what if he's a hybrid? Do you have a problem with him?!".
She spun around to see a taller, older version of the dragonet. She flicked her tongue at her. "Are you going to speak?".
"Uh, no, I have no problem with him...".
She looked at Rain up and down. "Then why are you looking at my brother like that?!".
The dragonet sprang forward. "No, Spitfire! She's not doing anything!".
Spitfire's face softened as she looked at her brother. "Oh, I'm sorry...I'm just used to CoastWings being bullies". She sighed and looked at Rain again. "I'm Spitfire, this is Flameback....Nice to meet you".
Rain smiled. "So, Uh, you must be Droplet and Azar's dragonets?".
Spitfire nodded. "Uh, you need anything?".
"Well, actually, I wanted to see your parents...".
Flameback tilted his head. "Hm, why?".
Rain bit her lip. "Um, project for school..?".
Spitfire gave her a weird look but nodded. "We live down the road a bit, the last house before the trail that leads to the beach". And with that, her and Flameback took off down the road.
Wow...that's what a hybrid looks like...
She made her way to their house, the last one before a small trail that went down to the beach. It was small, about the size of hers and had a bright, welcoming front door.
She stepped onto the porch and knocked. Behind the door, she heard someone jump.
"Three moons, Azar! You can't jump every time someone knocks!" Came a voice.
She heard talons walking across the floor and finally, the door clicked open.
A blue and purple CoastWing peeked out. "Hello?". She wrinkled her snout with she saw Rain. "Huh, I don't know you. What do you need? How do you know where I live?".
Rain took a step back. "Um, my name is Rain and..I'm here to see you and Azar".
Rain wrapped her tail around herself as a spasm of pain shot through her body. Ah, that hurts worse then any of the other pains! What if it's coming soon?!
Droplet snorted. "Why? Have to come to insult us like most dragons? Because I found that very rude and you most definitely won't get any discounts on my paintings".
Rain frowned. "No, no! I would never insult you- Ow, ow-". She put her front talons out to study herself.
Droplet dropped her suspicious look. "Oh dear, are you okay?".
Rain couldn't answer as the ground lunched out from under her and her world went black.

Aw yes

More of KiwiDragon6 's ocs

Probably didn't get their personalities right but oh well

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