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For nine whole days i didn't talk to Monday. I ignored his calls and locked my door whenever i went to work. The once happy home we shared became worse than a cemetery.

"Why do you look like you lost your grandmother?" Clara asked when she passed through my desk.

"What?" I ran out of my motionless thought.

"You look like how Jenny looked like when she lost her grandmother." She explained.

"I'm lost," I stated, not really understanding her.

"I'm just trying to ask if you're okay." She clarified.

"I am," I lied, wearing the best fake smile I could muster up. I could see Alexa from afar sending me an apologetic look before walking away. She knew what really went down between David, Monday and myself.

At work, it became a frequent thing, my colleagues stopping by my desk or stopping me on the way asking if I was alright because I had gone into a deep state of loneliness and depression which was very visible on my health and countenance.

My Frustration was not just because of what he did to David, to hell with David and his freaking lying fucking bitch ass mouth. But because it felt like I have been living with the enemy.

Honestly, I dread homophobes, with a passion and I was becoming afraid. I didn't think I'd have to encounter homophobes after I was done with high school and college. had no one in Phoenix and if i ran into trouble, I'd totally be on my own.

What if he decided to blackmail me? Or beat me up?

Today I came back late from work, not because I was busy but cause of the tension I'd come back home to meet. I found Monday sitting outside the front door. Just as soon as I got close to where he was, the power went out. I was so pissed off, right timing, couldn't a black out occur some other time?

"Excuse me," I requested irritatingly. He made no attempt to move away from the door.

And as i tired making my way through him to get into the house, He grabbed my hands and asked, "why are you doing this to me?"

"Please just allow me" I said as i began tugging and wriggling my wrist away from his firm grip, hoping he will let go but he held on tighter.

"You're doing this to me because of that guy?" He asked, his voice trembling like he was holding back tears.

Hearing the pain in his voice, I began feeling vulnerable and getting emotional, which I really didn't want to right now.

Damn emotions, ain't got your bro's back huh?

All I wanted was to get into my house when suddenly, the power was restored. As the light in front of the door lit up and spilled on his face, my heart stopped. He looked pretty worn out, His eyes were red, and moist.

Had he been crying?

He tried to smile at me and fresh tears welled up in his now puppy eyes. I just started sobbing, sobbing because I missed him, I missed him so much and I didn't fucking know what to do.

We both just held each other and cried.

His; was more of deep sighs of anguish. I held his hard body close to mine..i held him so tight.

I didn't want to let go, neither did he. I don't know if he started it or if I did but I felt his lips on mine. A very soft and slow kiss.

It wasn't like the ones I had had with guys in my college, it was different, more passionate, I felt like I floated and everything happening melted away. Monday's lips, soft, plump, the perfect fit to mine. The gentleness eminent in the kiss makes me feel safe again around him.

I could taste weed, coffee and mint on his breath. He just held me to his chest and we stood, body pressed against each other for a while.

"Please don't stay mad at me, promise me," He pleaded, apologizing about the incident with David, that he had lost control of his anger.

"I won't," I cried

"I'd just die under your watch," He added, we both laughed. "Even a girl hadn't made me cry." He said as he hugged me.

I felt his bulge on my stomach and i gave it a friendly squeeze. He laughed and ran few steps away shouting "William, you're something else," he laughed.

God lawd!!! He was a hand full. 😂

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