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Lola sat on the couch and sighed. She was avoiding Tom, her head was a mess and she didn't know what to do. She wanted to do the right thing and that meant not ending up In bed with him.

Tom was with her cousin as Lola didn't want to hurt Madison but she knew that there was something there with her and Tom and she didn't want to go there. Lola looked as Rachel leaked into the room and frowned as she looked to Lola

"your going to be late for school, you need to get dressed" Rachel leadings as Lola looked to at her and sighed

"do I have to, I don't feel well" Lola said as Rachel looked to Lola and frowned

"you look fine, go and get dressed. Your going to school even if I have to drag you in by your hair" Rachel said as Lola looked to her and glared. Lola walked off to her room and sighed as she started to get ready for school.

All Lola wanted to do was lie on the sofa and forget about al other drama that was going on. She just Wanted to forget what was going on with her and Tom but now she had to go into school and face him as he was her teacher for the next six hours, Lola knew it was going to be a long day.

Lola got to school and glared at Rachel "I told you I don't feel well" Lola sod as Rachel looked to her and rolled her eyes

"and I told you I am not stupid, don't even think over bunking off as I'll be doing checks on you to see" Rachel said as Lola looked to her and groaned as she walked off. Lola walked through the school and sighed as she saw Tom.

She stood and looked to him for a moment. Lola didn't know how she could keep on doing this. She knew she and Tom had slept together a few times and she hated it as she knew that it was all going to end in a disaster and she had no idea what to do about it.

She knew that nothing she did was going to help especially when she melted when it came to him. Lola walked off down the hall and frowned to herself as she looked to see max and Madison who were looking cosy.

Lola looked to them and frowned to herself. Lola didn't like it, she knew what max had done in the past and how he hurt Madison and Lola couldn't believe he had gone that far seduce Madison away from Tom, Lola knew it would all come out and it wouldn't go down well


Lola was sitting in the classroom. She looked up as Tom walked into the classroom. He smiled. "Are you okay?" Tom asked as he looked at her.

Lola nodded. "I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. An affair with you. You're my cousin's boyfriend. I know that she loves you."

Tom sighed and sat down. "I've seen her getting close with Max again. He broke her heart."

"They have a connection don't they? I mean... they were together."

Rachel walked into Lola's English lesson. She frowned when she saw she wasn't there. She looked around. "Where's Lola?" She asked Tom.

"Madison took her for some air. She looked unwell," Tom said.

Rachel nodded and sighed. She knew that Lola was just lying. She didn't feel unwell at all. It was her excuse to get out of class.

Madison looked at Lola. "So. Are you going to tell me what's really going on? Why you feel so sick?" She asked.

Lola shrugged and looked at Madison. She sighed. "I don't know why I feel sick."

"Are you pregnant?"

Lola shook her head. But she knew that there was a slight chance she was. Madison sighed. "Okay. Maybe we should take you to the doctor. I'll talk to your mum?"


Madison looked up as Rachel walked over. She sighed. "I only brought her out here cause she felt sick and looked like she was going to pass out."

Rachel sighed. "She's faking it. She has been for the last couple of days."

All of a sudden, Lola collapsed. But was she okay?

An affair with my teacher  *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now