Chapter 2

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Y/N woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, signalling that she needed to get ready. She changed (into the outfit above) and looked next to her bed to see...the clip. The one her childhood friend, Channie, gave her. She smiled as she picked it up and wore it. 

She walked out of her room to find her parents doing their pown thing; her mom cooking breakfast, her father reading the newspaper. She hugged her dad and pecked her mother on the cheek as she greeted them and went to check the mail. She found a letter with her name written on it, and she opened it to find her entrance survey with a stamp that said 'accepted' pasted on it. Y/N ran into the house and squealed; catching her parents' attention. 

"What is it dear!" her father exclaimed in worry. 

"I GOT ACCEPTED!" Y/N yelled back. 

*Side note: she had done an entrance exam to get into a medschool in Korea. It is one of the most prestegious ones and she paid most of her bills for it with a few scholarships that she got from high school. 

When she announced this her mother squealed too saying, "YOU GOT IN! YOU GOT IN! OH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!" 

"Sweetheart, that's great and all, but...GO PACK! We'll buy your ticket to Korea tonight, but you need to pack and get ready for the flight so you can go check out the place before going to school so soon!" her father ordered sternly. Y/N nodded and hugged her father before bounding up the stairs again to start packing. 

3 Weeks Later... (At the Airport)

"Bye Sweetheart! We'll miss you!" Y/N's mom cried as she hugged her daughter. Y/N smiled at her mother's compassion and patted her back saying, "Don't worry mom I'll be fine. Plus, if it makes you feel better, I'll call you 2 times a month..."

"P-promise," her mom sobbed like a little kid...Y/N rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Promise," Y/N said as she interlocked her pinky with her mother's. 

"Well, I hope you do well at the school. Also, I'll try to comfort your mom or get her friends to help her or something," Y/N's dad whispered before hugging his little princess. 

"okay," Y/N whispered back, chuckling lightly. 

As Y/N boarded her plane, she smiled before falling alseep whispering to herself...

'Channie, I hope we will cross paths once again fulfill our promise..'

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