Chapter 12

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The boys were shocked that their manager knew about Y/N, so they asked how he knew her. Their manager seemed tired of this, turned his phone on and showed them the article... 

Seventeen Dating?!?!?! 

Recently, Seventeen a kpop idol group has been seen with a girl. They don't know who this is, but fans believe that this girl is dating all 13 members at once. Pledis has not responded or given any clarification. Is a girl playing all 13 of these singers' hearts?

The boys were surprised as to what the hell was going on. Yes they hung out with Y/N, but did it seem like they were dating her? They turned back to their angry manager and decided to clear things up... 

"Manager~nim, we aren't dating this girl. The only one that knows her enough to date her is Dino," Seungcheol explained. This piqued their manager's intrest as Dino was one to be shy with girls. 

"What's this? Please tell me more about this," their manager said. They explained a few things, such as the promise they made, why they hung out with Y/N, and the whole moving-in thing. 

"Fine, but you should make sure to clean this mess up. I'll allow Dino to fulfill this promise, but only after you guys are finished with the next promotional stage. I'm counting on you guys to make it big," their manager sighed. The boys nodded and left, filing out of the door one by one. 

"Dino, I need to talk with you for a second, and bring this girl in with you too," their manager called. Dino nodded, dialing Y/N's number. 

Soon enough, Y/N had came to the building, following Dino to his manager's office. "I heard you're his promised 'fiance' right?" thier manager guessed. Y/N nodded slowly, hoping her answers wouldn't infuriate him. He nodded and began questioning her, asking her about her schooling, career, family, and her history with Dino. 

Y/N answers that she is a student at S/N (School Name) and that Dino is her childhood friend and "Fiance". Their manager thought it was a joke, but hearing it from the girl, he believed her and was definitely surprised. She explains their promise and how they got to this point. Their manager agrees and informs her that Seventeen have been in a scandal of dating the same girl. They disagree, Y/N stating that she didn't like any of the boys that way other than Dino. She felt that the boys were her brothers. The "couple" was then told that they would be put in the message to have been dating and will be stated online, while the boys had to do a VLive to clear things up with the other fans.

While the boys were doing that, Y/N was just srolling through her messages and social media updates. While she was crolling through her messages, a new and anonymous message notification appeared on her phone. She didn't recognize the number and it didn't have a saved nickname like the other numbers she had in her phone. 

She decided to check it out, but it's contents were creepy and even caused her to cry. It read:
"Hello again. I see you are dating someone, seems like I'll have to remove him from the picture to get your love! -D"

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