Chapter 10

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"WHAT!" the boys yelled in unison. To say that the boys were surprised was an understatement. They were appauled at this newfound information. 

"M-May I ask why you made that promise..." Vernon asked. Y/N nodded. 

"Sure, we had been around 8 or 9 and we were really close friends. When Channie said he was moving, I thought he was saying that he was taking a vacation and coming back. He clarified the situation, and we made that promise because we didn't know it, but we liked each other. My parents said it was puppy love, but I don't know about that. Either way, we promisedthat we'd marry each other once we were of legal age and met again. Though, I think we need to hold that promise off for a bit," Y/N explained, holding Chan's hand. Chan rubbed his thumb on the backside of her hand, a comforting gesture to her. 

"How'd you know that it was Dino though. I mean, other than the names, it's hard to tell if that is the person you actually made the promise with," Jeonghan added. 

"Well, for starters, the clip I'm wearing is the one he gave me before he left, and I still have the jacket that he gave me as well," Y/N mentioned. The mention of the clip was somewhat unsurprising, but the mention of his old jacket startled him. 

"Y-You still have that jacket I gave you!" Chan exclaimed. Y/N turned her head to nod to him. 

"Mhm! It's not my size, but I wore it when I was younger.." Y/N stated. 

"What about Dino! Did he have a clip or something? We never saw him with a clip or anything that wasn't from the company clothing..." Seungkwan questioned. 

"Well, you guys never questioned this..." Dino reminded them, pulling out the necklace he was wearing. He held it up a bit, so that the others could see it. 

"That was the necklace that I gave him when we first met. I was new to the area, so he was showing me around. Our parents were following of course, but we were a little futher up, so I gave him that necklace as a token of gratetude and for a new friendship," Y/N explained. The boys nodded in understanding before a few of them actually stood up and walked to the back of Y/N to look at the clip. 

Although they seemed happy, Jisoo was sure to make them aware of the problem that started their meeting... "Y/N... Who was that on the phone? I mean, I know that it was your stalker, but what's the dude's name?" he asked. 

"His name is Meric..." Y/N stated, her tone of voice changing, as if her mood had been dampened. This confused the other members as they had no idea what was going on. 

"What do you mean? She has a stalker?" Dino asked. He wasn't happy about that, but he was hoping that he could at least help deal with the stalker since he was here with her right now. 

"Y-Yeah. I have a stalker. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can stay safe and I'm sorry for burdening you with this," Y/N cried as she began crying. The boys didn't know what to do, but Dino took the initiative to hug her and tried to calm her down. The boys then thought of a briliant idea that might help with the stalker problem, and to keep the 2 "lovers" together... 

"Hey! What if we have Y/N live with us and we take her to school and such and pick her up as well?" 

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