There was much bustle as the first years climbed into the boats (Hagrid of course, took up one boat by himself.)

James and Sirius climbed into an empty boat, and were shortly after joined by a pale looking boy, and a very pudgy, nervous boy who was biting his nails. None of them spoke to one another as they settled down into the boat.

"All righ' then! FORWARD!" Hagrid yelled, and all the boats pulled forward of their own accord, earning gasps and shrieks from their occupants.


They all huddled in the shadow of the castle, shivering slightly against the cool night air. Hagrid strode to the doors, raised his massive fist, and knocked heavy three times.

Then, almost as if someone had been waiting right on the other side of the door, it was flung open wide, spilling golden light onto the dark lawn.

There stood a tall witch with her black hair pulled into a tight bun. "Thank you, Hagrid."

Then, turning to the students, she said, "Follow me, please."

No one spoke as they followed the witch inside. "You will know me as Professor McGonagall, and I will be one of your teachers here at Hogwarts."

With that, she led the first years into a small, vacant room just off of the huge entrance hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Mcgonnagal said, smiling slightly. "The banquet will begin soon, but before we go into the Great Hall and take our seats, you all must be Sorted into your Houses. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." she paused. James looked around and noticed that Severus' eyes had lit up when she had said Slytherin. The red haired girl from the train was standing next to Severus, her expression neutral.

She'd better be in Gryffindor, James thought, it'd be a shame for someone so pretty to end up in Slytherin, with their creepy love of the Dark Arts.

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