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Jumping back in time a bit to the night before...

Peter sat on his knees and sorted essays, skimming the titles blankly. How to Transfigure Back Into a Human, How to Transfigure between Teapot and Human and other interesting titles.

The best title he had found yet sat in its own pile to the side. Why is it Important to Pay Attention In Transfiguration Class? So You Don't Get Stuck as A Sewing Needle For Eternity.

The clock on the wall chimed and Peter jumped. McGonagall sat up straighter in her desk, pulling her quill away from the parchment that she had been scribbling at for the last hour.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Pettigrew. You may go now." McGonagall watched as the boy silently got to his feet. "Peter."

He turned.

"I know that your friends made a very thoughtless move back there. But they really care about you, they just don't think." McGonagall said. She didn't need to clarify what 'back there' meant. They both knew.

Peter said nothing and just nodded.

"See you next week." McGonagall watched him as he left her office.

"That poor boy," she muttered to herself when the door closed. "And he had just started getting used to Hogwarts. It's a good thing that these sort of incidents get forgiven and forgotten eventually..."

If only she knew how wrong she was.


Peter walked alone in the abandoned corridors, his hurried footsteps echoing so loud he was sure the whole school would hear. Most of the students were in their common rooms, throwing last-day-of-the-break parties that were all equally against the Hogwarts rules.

It was the perfect night for Peter to meet his new friends.

James and Sirius would be so lost in the party in the Gryffindor common room that they wouldn't even notice he wasn't there. The thought filled him with both bitterness and a savage pleasure, knowing he was doing something they would disagree with.

When he reached a statue of an old wizened wizard holding a lantern, he took a sharp left which took him down a steep staircase to one of the castle's many dungeon rooms.

He could barely see in the dark, but he could just make out the silhouette of seven people. They were all much older than him, but that didn't matter.

"Pettigrew? Is that you?" said the cool, confident voice of Lucius Malfoy.

"Yes." Peter said.

'Welcome to our little group!" Lucius grinned in the dark and threw an arm around Peter's shoulders, drawing him closer to the group. Now Peter could identify the faces surrounding him. There was Crabbe, Goyle, Macnair, Avery, a guy he hadn't seen before and a young woman he didn't know the name of although he swore she looked familiar.

"I believe you've met everyone here, except...have you met Rodolphus?" Lucius motioned to a tall, lanky boy next to him.

"N-Nice to meet you." Peter stuttered out. He could kick himself for being so awkward, but Rodolphus didn't seem to notice and offered to shake his hand. Peter smiled. He was already starting to like these people. They seemed to like him too.

"I believe you know my cousin?" said a girl with frizzy dark brown hair and intense dark eyes. Peter gulped and nodded.

"Imbecile" she muttered, then seeing his look she clarified, "No, not you! My cousin, Sirius."

"And that Potter boy?" Lucius made a face. "Someone needs to tell him he's not as big a deal as he likes to believe he is."

"Yeah!" Peter ran his hand through his head, messing it up the way that James always did. The group laughed.

"Hey! You're funny!" laughed Goyle (a big brute with arms like a bear.)

Peter smiled. Forget James and Sirius. They just thought they were popular. These people really were.

Peter Pettigrew was in the 'popular' group. If only he knew now what they were popular for. If only he had done his research before getting sucked into the group. Maybe it could have prevented a whole mess of horrible things in the future. Or maybe it wouldn't've. Peter was so eager at this point to be accepted and cared about that he would do just about anything to get it.

Which is why, many years in the future, he would do a terrible deed to be fully accepted into this group.

This little, harmless group of school friends.

These people who would grow up to kill and torture millions, in the name of Magic is Might...

A/N Hey all! I'm updating lots because I have a few weeks off due to sickness and I've decided to take advantage of it! Once I go back to school I won't update as much. Who knew that when they said this school year is one of the hardest that it would actually be true? XD

And now for a few updates for my lovely readers:
We are getting close to the end of the book, only a few chapters left!

If you like my writing style, please check out my book A Perfect World. It is a combination of a few different fandoms, one of which being Harry Potter. I would really appreciate it!

As always, let me know what you think! Have a good night\day!

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