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The night was calm, and all the students had gone to their appropriate dorms with little trouble. Most of the teachers were asleep as well, except for Minerva McGonagall. She wasn't sure what had roused her, but she couldn't go back to sleep and had decided to instead wander the quiet castle on her on. Although she practically lived there, the beauty of the castle when it was empty still amazed her and she quite enjoyed the quiet walk alone.

That was until Sirius Black came bursting in the castle doors, Filch hot on his heels.

"Professor!" the boy screamed, catching sight of her. Argus Filch raised an arm threateningly, his face red and his veins popping out and making him look quite deranged.

"Get back here, boy!" he boomed.

"Mr. Black!" McGonagall gasped as he skidded to a stop in front of her, wet dew sliding off his robes and dripping onto the Entrance Room floor. "Explain yourself."

Normally, she would send him straight to detention for the rest of his school career for this, but the look on the boy's face told her that something truly horrible had happened.

"Remus....Severus..." Sirius panted. This was very little information, although McGonagall reacted as though she already knew what had happened.

"Argus, go fetch the Headmaster." she said in a stern voice. Filch raised his bulging red eyes from the puddle Sirius was creating on the floor and looked up at McGonagall. She whisked away from him without another word, gesturing for Sirius to follow her.

"He'll need Madam Pomphrey," Sirius grasped at a stitch in his side. "If he's still..."

McGonagall's lips tightened and she hurried her walk so that Sirius had to almost jog to keep up. For such an uptight teacher, she moved very fast.

They were at the tree in seconds, and Sirius led her to the two shadowed figures under the tree. James and Sirius had carried Snape out and laid him on his back a safe distance from the tree, unable to carry him further.

McGonagall wordlessly knelt down beside the injured boy and took one look at his wounds. "Boys, go get Hagrid and tell him to wake Madam Pomphrey. I do not want to try moving Severus without her help."

Thankful that Severus was no longer in their hands, they stumbled away toward Hagrid's hut. He swung open the door at thier first knock, looking wildly around with bleary eyes. "Huh? Who is it?"

Then, seeing their pale faces he looked closer at them. "What have you two done?"


"He is awake and in pain, but he would like to see you." Madam Pomphrey said to the person waiting outside the Hospital Wing.

Snape's visitor followed the medical witch inside the room and wordlessly sat down beside the bed at the end of the room. The curtains had been moved just enough for his face to be visible, although there wasn't much to see since he was covered almost completely in thick white bandages.

His eyes, glossed over with pain medication, floundered around to find those of the girl seated beside him.

"Lily?" he croaked. Lily Evans said nothing as she examined her best friend. It had been a day since the incident, and the only reason he was even awake was because of Madam Pomphrey's wide range of medicines and potions.

"I heard that this was James Potter's doing." Lily said finally in a hollow voice. Snape blinked at her, his eyelids fluttering briefly as he fought to open his eyes again. He felt tired. So tired.

"Sirius." Snape struggled to form the words. His tongue felt like lead. "Sirius told me to. James tried to save me."

"And you listened to him?" Lily asked sharply. "You know that they hate you. Why would you ever do anything those boys tell you to do?"

Snape looked baffled that she was blaming him for this. He was the victim, after all. "I wanted...I wanted them to leave you...alone." he inhaled deeply, panting softly.

"No, Severus," Lily said, but her voice was gentle. "I know what is going on. I know what this was really about. I wasn't going to say anything before, but since you're almost getting yourself killed over this, I think I need to tell you something." She took a deep breath and steeled herself for his reaction. "You are a great friend, really. But I don't want to be more than that."

"I know," Snape rasped. "You like James..." his dark, tired eyes scanned her face, searching for denial. But he found none. Lily sighed.

"I don't know why. He's a big-headed toe rag," Lily shook her head and chuckled softly. "I don't understand it, Severus. Maybe there is something wrong with me."

"There is nothing wrong with you," his eyes began to close slowly. "You're perfect."

This simple sentence seemed to drain what little strength he had gained, and he fell asleep.

Lily's green eyes stayed locked on Snape's lightly rising chest as she watched her friend fight for his life, even in sleep.

So this was Sirius Black's doing?

And James Potter...he had saved Snape? The idea was laughable. The two boys despised each other. Perhaps Snape hadn't been able to speak properly under the influence of Madam Pomphrey's potions.

Or perhaps James Potter, despite his reputation for being an ass, still had some sense buried under that inflated ego?

A\N Dang. Writing the relationship between Lily and Severus might damage me emotionally for the rest of my life. Literally just sat on my bed and stared at the wall for a while after writing this scene.

I hope you guys liked this and that I did a somewhat good job at writing their complicated relationship, please let me know!

Only about two or three more chapters left in THIS book....there may be a sequel....but I just got my schedule for my next few classes and I might be pretty swamped so I might not have tons of time to write. Fingers crossed for a couple calm evenings so I can continue writing these stories!

Stay healthy and safe everyone! And don't forget to vote, comment and follow to let me know what you think! ❤️

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