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Weeks had passed since Snape's injury, and the gossip had finally begun to die down. At first, rumours of the incident had spread like wildfire throughout the school, fuelled by the very imaginative ideas the students had come up with as to why Snape openly disobeyed a teacher. No one, save the teachers and Sirius, knew the details of the incident, and so the students had eventually dropped the matter entirely as more interesting things happened at Hogwarts.

"Look who's back from the sickbed." Sirius murmured one day. James looked up to see Snape entering the Great Hall, with Lily by his side. As they neared the tables, Lily looked up and her eyes met James'. Her cheeks instantly flushed scarlet, and her green eyes blazed. Without a second thought, she changed directions and marched straight at James.

"Uh oh." Sirius frowned. "I think Snape told her what happened..."

James swallowed and tried to keep his expression neutral as she approached.

Snape, noticing Lily's sudden change in direction and the tense way she walked, looked up and saw James. Realizing Lily's intentions, he grabbed her arm and muttered quietly so only she could hear, "This isn't your fight."

Ignoring him, she shook off his hand and marched up to James and before any of the boys could say anything, Lily burst out, "Severus told me everything." her eyes blazed accusingly. It was all James could do to sit there and pretend he wasn't terrified at the sudden change in what he had thought was a very calm, shy girl.

"You're the most immature boy I've ever met!" she ranted. "I don't care how cool you think you are, you'll forever be an arrogant bighead and someday you're going to regret being so careless!"

James laughed even though he felt like someone was stabbing his insides with a white hot knife. "Seriously, Snivellus?" he chuckled as Snape tried to disappear behind Lily, the tips of his big pale ears turning a bright shade of pink. "Too cowardly to confront me on your own? You had to get a girl to help?"

the instant it came out of his mouth, he regretted it. But there was no going back now.

Lily's eyes widened in anger. "Oh, I see. You're one of those guys."

"For your information, while you were off making up stupid pranks and being an absolute git, I've become top of almost every class, even Potions, which everyone told me would be the hardest subject! Yes, me, a girl!" she took a breath. "And you'd better think really hard next time you decide to choke out low level insults like that, and since that will take you a couple years, you could spend that time paying attention in class so you can actually make something of yourself, you absolute gormless toe rag!'

And with that, she stormed off, her red hair whipping around behind her. Snape stood there gaping for a moment before he realized she left, and ran off without a second glance at the boys.

"Wow..." Sirius said. "She's really something else. She and my mum should plan a tea party together sometime, I think they'd really get along."

150 reads!!! I didn't expect this story to get so much attention, as it's just for fun! Thank you all so much! <3

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