After stuffing themselves full with what Professor Dumbledore (a tall wizard with long white hair and a beard to match) had proclaimed as being 'the most delicious feast ever consumed yet!' the first heads filed behind their prefects as they were led away to their separate Houses for the night.

James was so sleepy, he was almost completely unaware of where he was going, and would've had absolutely no memory of how he was now standing in the Gryffindor common time other than that he had nearly fallen through one of the steps on the magical staircase, and had to be pulled out by one of their prefects, Ben Kennedy.

"Right then," Ben said once they were all assembled in the Gryffindor common room. "Boys' dormitories are this way, and the girls' dormitories are that way."

As they scurried in the directions they had been pointed to, James caught up with Sirius. "I've never had such nice food!"

Sirius grinned, "the food's great, the place is magic, and I'm in Gryffindor." he said. "I might just move in permanently."

They laughed as they pushed open the door to their dormitory. There were four poster beds, and huge windows looking out at the starry night sky. Beside the beds lay their belongings. James found his bed and flopped down on it, sighing contentedly. Just as he was about to drift off into sleep, a voice awoke him. "Hey."

James turned to see a tall, solemn looking boy, who shifted his weight uncomfortably. "I'm Remus. And this is Peter." he gestured to the nervous boy beside him, who James had only just noticed. "Nice. I'm James."

They all looked at Sirius, who was perched on his own bed, and had already changed into his pajamas. "I'm tired." He said, ripping the heavy velvet curtains around him. "G'night." said his muffled voice.

James laughed. "That's Sirius." he explained to Peter and Remus, who looked confused but slightly amused.

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