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It was nearing the end of their first year, and the castle was buzzing with excitement and nerves. They were so close to summer -to freedom. And yet, finals hung in the air like an invisible barrier between them and happiness.

It was so hard to focus on studying when just outside the common room window, the sun was shining brightly and the skies were a deep shade of blue. It was on one of these days that the four friends sat up in their common room, trying to study for their various exams. Peter and Remus were sitting cross legged on the floor with all their books spread about them (the tables weren't big enough) and Sirius lay sprawled upside down on the couch. James was pacing as he quizzed his dark-haired friend on the pros and cons of Transfiguration.

None of them were paying attention, all lost in their own thoughts of summer. Even Remus, who was by far the most diligent when it came to schoolwork, was staring out the window with glossed over eyes.

"This is pointless, I won't remember any of this stuff!" Sirius slammed his book closed and sighed. "I'm going outside for some fresh air."

"I'm coming too," James stood up automatically.

"Me too." Peter popped up from his book.

"Guys, the exam is tomorrow. We have to know these things!" Remus reminded them. "McGonagall said that it would be very hard and that we need to learn as much as we can tonight."

James and Peter hesitated, but Sirius was set on taking a break.

"There's no point trying to learn these things when I won't even learn. I'll try again after I've gone on a walk." Sirius left the common room.


All doubts for his decision were swept away the moment he got outside and took a deep breath of the fresh, summer air. He took off at a brisk pace, not sure where he was going. Anywhere but the common room.

He was halfway around the lake when he noticed something. A hunched figure was standing near the Whomping Willow, which had been planted over the trapdoor to guard Remus. 'You're being guarded by a tree?' his friends had laughed when they heard. But the Whomping Willow was no ordinary tree.

The students had soon learned to avoid the Willow at all costs, because it would lash out at them with its branches. It did its job well. The only way to get past it was a knot near the base of the trunk, which when pressed would temporarily freeze the tree long enough to slide through the hole at the base (the trapdoor had been removed due to rotting wood.)

Sirius approached the figure and realized it was Severus Snape. Anger filled him suddenly and unexpectedly. He marched up the the boy.

"Hey, what's so interesting about this tree?"

Severus turned, and when he saw who it was, his face fell. He had clearly been expecting someone else. A certain red haired, green eyed girl, Sirius suspected. This did nothing to help his anger, if anything, he felt even more angry at this boy who kept chasing Lily Evans as if he were good enough for her.

"A couple nights ago, I saw them take Remus to this tree. He was there a moment, and gone the next." Severus said in an accusing tone. "Where did he go?"

Sirius was just about fed up with this boys' constant nagging. "Why don't you come back here tonight and find out?"

Severus' face turned to surprise at how easily Sirius had given him this information. Sirius felt guilt begin to claw at his insides, and he knew that he should not have told Severus that. But whether it was due to boredom, or pure hatred of the boy, he didn't care. "Yeah. Come here tonight and you'll see for yourself where they took Remus and why."

Severus raised an eyebrow. He knew that this was likely a trap, but knowing the foursome's biggest secret was too alluring to ignore. "What time?"

"Midnight." Sirius said savagely. This was exactly the time of the full moon. It was the moment that Remus would transform.

Severus gave a small jerk of his head. "If you try anything, or if this is a prank, I will tell a teacher and you will be expelled. See how your pureblood family likes that. A disappointment and a failure, a shame to the Wizarding kind."

Sirius gritted his teeth in anger. Before, he had doubts about sending Severus down to Remus. But now he had none.

Severus would pay.

A\N Publishing two chapters today so you guys can get some action soon!

I have a few updates for y'all.

We are getting close to the end of this book, only a few chapters left. So thank you all for your support!

Second, I am probably going to write a sequel to this book! I'm not totally sure yet, but it's very likely.

Vote, comment, follow and let me know what you think!

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