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'Of all the irresponsible, immature things you could have done, you had to do this? And on your first day too!"

James cowered in front of the infuriated Professor McGonagall.

"Injuring a fellow student!" she went on, pacing behind her desk.

"I didn't know it would hurt him." James spoke up for the first time since he sat down in her office, an hour ago. "I just meant to get him in trouble, maybe scare him a little." it felt important to clarify this. And maybe Minerva McGonagall understood something about James that few understood, for her face softened and she sat down behind her desk.

"Of course you didn't. Quagmire plant is hard to come by, even that one cutting was one of the last in existence. I guess we must take some of the blame for putting an endangered plant  in our greenhouses." she sighed. "I've just never seen hostilities between two students opened so early along in the school year!"

She looked quizzically at James. "Is there a reason why you targeted Severus Snape of all the other students?"

James looked down as an image of Lily filled his head. Beautiful Lily.

"Not really," he said, his face convincingly blank of expression. "I knew he hadn't listened to Professor Sprout's warning so I thought it would be funny to trick him."

McGonagall leaned forward in her chair, her lips pressed thin. "It is not your place to make sure all the students listen to their teachers."

They sat in silence for a moment before McGonagall broke it. "Now, since Snape's injuries are both mild and treatable, I do not think that any extreme measures will be taken to teach you not to harm other students. I trust that two weeks' worth of detentions and a note to your parents will be enough?"

"Yes ma'am." James agreed thankfully.

"Now," she peered at him. "The next time you get it in your head to play a joke on someone, I'd advise you to think it through very carefully. The punishment for your actions will be much greater next time."

"Yes ma'am." James said again.

"Good. Now you better go off to your next class, I believe it's Linguistics with Professor Pine?" and without waiting for his answer, she got up and opened the door for him.

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