Part 5

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Im sat at school in Spanish and all i can think about is McDonalds fries dipped in vanilla icing so i ask mr shue if i can go toilet and call Jesse.

"Hello Rachel."

"I'm sorry you're in class aren't you and i just caused you to get distracted you know what its no problem."

"Hey baby wait ok what is wrong?"

"I don't know i was sat in Spanish and i really want McDonalds fries dipped in vanilla icing."

"Ok baby go back to class and i'll bring them to you now."


"I promise." Then i go back to class and half an hour later there was a knock on the door and Jesse was there.

"Jesse? Shouldn't you be in class? And why do you have McDonalds fries and a pot of vanilla icing."

"Rachel called me it's what she's been craving at the moment could I quickly give it to her." Then mr shuester nods and Jesse walks over and gives them to me and i kiss him.

"You're the best. Love you."

"Yeah love you too." Then Jesse left and i started eating and everyone except for Quinn and Puck was staring at me strangely. After class i was walking towards my next class when Karofsky threw a slushy at me and called me a freak and i burst into tears and Quinn hurried over and took me into the toilets and i saw Puck take out his phone looking pissed. When we got in there I was full on sobbing again and i kept sobbing while she helped clean me up.

"Hey Rachel do you have more clothes in you're locker." I shake my head not being able to answer and she wraps me in a hug and a few minutes later Jesse came into the toilets with a bag of my clothes and Quinn helped me get dressed the Jesse hugged me.

"Come on you might as well miss last lesson now lets get you to the glee room." Then Jesse and Quinn helped me to the the choir room and me and Quinn sat down and Jesse went storming out towards the door.

"Puck stop him." Then Puck grabbed Jesse's arm.

"Let me go i'm gonna kill him."

"No man Rachel needs you and you won't be a lot of help in prison." Then Jesse calmed down and hurried over.

"Are you and baby bean ok."

"Were fine we both know i'm just very overly emotional these days but you should go we are still gonna beat you at regionals." Then me and Jesse smirked at each other.

"May the best other half win." I laugh at how he worded it then he kissed my cheek and left. After half an hour the rest of the glee club walked in and we practiced for Regionals next week then i went home and ate dinner and fell asleep knowing that my mom and Jesse would still be in rehearsals

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