Part 6

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Jesse just went on to preform when Quinn went into labour and everyone was hurrying downstairs and i tripped and landed on my arm but i wasn't worried about that what i was worried about was the pain in my abdomen so i pulled my phone out my pocket and tried to call Jesse and my mom but none of them answered so i kept trying then half an hour later of me lying on the stairs in pain Jesse answered his phone.

"Hey babe where are you?"

"Help Jesse i fell down the stairs and it hurts please help."

"It's ok i'm on my way and i'll bring you're mom" Then a few minutes later Jesse and my mom were coming towards me.

"Baby what happened?"

"Owww Quinn went into labour...we were going to the hospital but then i remembered i promised i would watch so i stayed behind and i fell and my arm and my stomach hurts."

"Ok Jesse pick Rachel up and Carrier her and im gonna check if there is any blood ok." We both nod and do as she says.

"Ok there isn't any blood but she still needs to get her wrist checked and the baby needs to be checked." We both nod our heads and Jesse carried me and when we got to the car Jesse held me in his lap in the back while my mom drove. When we got there Jesse carried me in and the rest of the new directions were in the waiting room and Kurt was the first to spot us.

"RACHEL!!" Then they ran over while my mom went to sign me in.

"Rachel what happened i thought you were staying at the competition." Mr shuester said

"She was but she fell downstairs and it looks like she broke her wrist and she says her stomach hurts so we need to make sure the baby is ok." Then my mom came over and a nurse lead us to a room and the doctor came in.

"Ok Rachel it says here you took a fall downstairs and hurt your wrist and that your 14 weeks pregnant. Now we'll check you're wrist then..."

"No check my wrist after I need to know if my baby is ok."

"Ok." Then the doctor brought in the sonogram and put the wand on my stomach and Jesse was squeezing my uninjured hand and then we heard our baby's heart beat.

"Well you're baby's heart beat is still as strong as ever and there is no bleeding in the abdomen."

"Then what was the pain."

"It was probably a mix between shock and worry but it is also a bit bruised so you should rest for a couple of days." Then I laid back and relaxed then i felt someone brush their thumb over my cheek and i opened my eyes and saw Jesse and I realised that Jesse had tears in his eyes.

"Our baby is ok Rache. Now we need to get you're wrist x-rayed."

"Wait x-ray is bad for the baby i read about it somewhere." Then i looked at the doctor and she smiled.

"We have a special vest you wear while in there that protects the baby." I nod my head and get my wrist x-rayed and it was broken so i got a cast put on then we left to go back to the competition and Vocal Adrenaline won and instead of Jesse celebrating he walked over to me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Rache." I nod my head and lean it against his chest then we go back to mine and sit on the couch and he holds me while i sob about the loss of Glee club. Then i fall asleep in Jesse's arms.

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