Back to the future- Leo

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"Come on Y/N it will be fun!" Leo pouted.

I hate telling Leo no, it truly does break my heart, but I draw the line with his crazy and dangerous inventions. Which, was exactly what was happening right now. Somehow, which I couldn't explain, Leo had made a time portal thing and was begging me to accompany him on his journey.

 Originally, it was intended so he could only go back in time around five days, so he could stop Conner from eating his nachos, but along the way he had managed to make a full fledged time machine with coordinates and everything. 

"No, Leo I don't really feel like dying today" I replied,  really confident in my answer and the spark of maturity I had gained... until he used he started it. To break it down, it, was what I use to describe Leo's pouting face. It's that an original mixtape combining Leo and a puppy dog face and truthfully, you'd be a monster to not fall to your knees and beg for forgiveness.

"Fine." I huffed in annoyance, "but two things. How are you so sure we''ll appear in time to get your nachos, and how do we get back." His eyes lit up at that and a cute crooked smile replaced his earlier expression.

 "Well my sweet girlfriend let me show you" he told me, ushering me closer to him on the couch. My gaze was directed towards his watch. It wasn't much to show. Small, silver with roman numbers instead of typically numbers. He must've 'borrowed' it from Jason.

In a bunch of complicated terms that I could sprint from the moon back before recalling any of them, Leo explained(or, rather tried to explain) how it worked. Also, I zoned out halfway through, so that didn't help.

For the just of it, we would be there for about an hour and then we'd be back here. Leo also had no way of knowing if he'd ever et back his nachos, but that was supposedly beside the point.

I had my eyes closed for most of it but I do remember feeling like I was falling.

When I reopened my eyes I was so shocked my brain could hardly comprehend what I was seeing. There were the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen. Tall roman columns made of marble and a few other materials i didn't even know.

I looked at Leo and saw him staring at his watch.

"Where are we?" I asked

"New Rome"he responded

Now this really confused me considering it looked better than the current New Rome.

"Let's go for a walk" I suggested. He shrugged and we began moving toward a community.

As we passed the houses I noticed that each one had a name on them. Thats when I saw it.

I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at.

The house had the name 'Valdez'.

Now usually this wouldn't be a big deal but we were in New Rome. A place for demigods. And as far as I knew Leo didn't have any demigod ancestors.

Leo probably saw me stop because he was now standing next to me.

"Should we ring the bell?" I asked

"Yeah" Leo said hesitantly

We stepped onto the front porch and I rung the door bell.

The door opened reveling a middle aged lady. She had (H/C) and (E/C). She was holding a young child who was no more than four months old in her arms. She looked really familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Hi how can I help you" she said with a smile gracing her lips.

Leo was about to say something when I spoke up.

"Sorry to bother you but we just wanted to know if we could get some water please?" I said

"Of course" she replied and ushered us into the house. She led us to the kitchen and let us sit at the island in the middle.

She grabbed to glasses and filled them with ice and water. Leo and I gratefully took the water and drank in silence.

"What are your names and who are your parents"the lady asked preparing a bottle for the child.

"Ummmmm..........." I said awkwardly, " My name is (Y/N) and my mom/dad is ( Y/G/P) and this is Leo and his dad is Hephaestus."

She looked shocked for a minute but soon changed her expression.

"Babe" a voice called from the stairs, "do you now where my watch is?"

When the guy emerged into the kitchen Leo nearly fainted. The guy looked exactly like him. The same brown untamed hair and chocolate colored eyes.

When he saw us he smiled. Dam he even smiles like Leo.

" And who might you two lovely people be?" He asked. We introduced are selves.

They looked at each other and had a silent conversation.

The guy spoke up, " Did you ever build a dragon?" Leo being oblivious to the situation started rambling about Festus and how amazing his craftsmanship was.

When he finished the guy was shocked. He looked at me and then the woman continuously.

He then approached me and gave me the biggest bear hug i had ever received.

" Have you guys started dating yet?" He asked me.

"Yep, Repair boy finally got the courage a few weeks ago" I replied

Leo looked at me really confused. He clearly didn't understand what was going on.

The guy let go of me and went over to Leo. He knelt down next to him a ruffled his hair. Leo still looked clueless so I decided to explain.

"Leo your whole time machine thing took us to the future not the past" I said," this is future me" i said ushering politely to the lady , " and this is future you."

" How did you handle me?" He said looking at future me.

She shrugged, set the baby down in a high chair and came up and gave Leo a squeeze.

"Look at how cute you were." She said squeezing Leo's cheeks.

Future Leo , obviously offended, looked at future me and said " but you still love me"

Future me and currently both rolled our eyes." Hey, how long before you guys have before you go back?" Future Leo asked.

Leo looked at his watch, " half an hour."

"Cool, let's go get ice-cream then" future Leo said.

I shrugged and we headed off to the ice-cream shop.

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