My Model- Leo

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Your outfit above, screw the glasses, hat and the words on the top.

Leo's POV

"Okay so what's the surprise?" I asked Jason while trying to pull down my blindfold.

"Almost there..."he dragged.

He dragged me into an elevator and we stepped out after the ding.

"You can take off the blind fold now." He called.

I eagerly pulled off my blindfold and was met with the blinding lights of the sun. It appeared to be a studio that encroached the space of a penthouse living room. There were a lot of other guys in here and I was starting to get confused, so I started to ask Jason why we were here, but completely lost my train of thought when she walked out.

Gorgeous locks of (h/c) pulled into a high ponytail with a few extra strands of hair to frame her face, a gray, slightly cropped, halter top, a cute black miniskirt and to complete the look, knee high cheer leading socks and a white converse. I will never truly understand how she could look so casual yet somehow manage to take my breathe away. But then again, that's her job. The famous, talented and hot, (Y/n) (L/n) AND my crush since High School.

Back before she was famous, she used to go to school with me. We had pretty good friends until after High School. When we graduated, I somehow got a scholarship to an Engineering University in Texas, and she had her whole career in New York so we ended up going our separate ways. Sadly, we couldn't stay in touch since she lost her phone and told everyone to block her number. At that time, she was the 'Tori' (Victorious reference) of our school. No one knew she could sing until she had to fill in the lead roll of her best friend Ally in the school play. Her popularity boomed and somehow or the other, she booked with a major record label and here she is now. Not only my crush, but of thousands of guys older and younger than us.

Her harmonious voice brought me out of my thoughts.

Your POV

"Mourning everyone! Today, as you probably already know, is the day we pick someone to star in my next music video. So, Ally, is going to take one picture of you and then you get to take a picture with me, both of which you can keep after, and I get to ask you five questions, they won't be too personal, but just so we now you aren't going to murder us. Oh and please take a cupcake before you leave, as a thank you for being here". My eyes scouted over the crowd trying to find a potential candidate right away, when they stopped on the messy set of chestnut brown curls. He seemed to be arguing with the blonde behind him. I giggled to myself at how adorable he looked in his flustered state, but Ally ruined it by announcing everyone to line up in front of the filming door.

I opened the door and had the first guy in line follow Ally and I in. I sat in the typical directors chair and watched while Ally set up her camera for the pictures. August, the guys name, took his solo picture and then stood next to the chair I sat on for our picture together. He was decent looking, dark hair with a singular, intentional white streak in it but still, as basic as they get.

Clearing my throat, I decided to start the questions.

"Okay, so, why did you get the white streak and when?" I asked, inwardly patting myself on the back for my two questions. He explained that he got it when he turned seventeen as a weird act of rebellion, which was kinda what I expected. My next question was also very basic,"What was your favorite birthday party.?" And a basic question usually required a basic answer, so it was simply 'my twenty-first cause I got to drink.'

Two hours of boring interviews later, we had gotten through at least thirty people who, if memory saves, consisted of three Alex's , maybe seven Jasper and never ending Luke's and I swear is if I see another Grayson I'm gonna flip. I was about to give up and call it off for the day, when the cute brown haired boy from earlier came in.

"Ummm..Hi (Y/n), I'm Leo." he said before seating himself in the chair opposite me. I gave him a simple yet welcoming smile. When he sat down, I got a better look at his face, breathtaking chocolate eyes, soft plump lips and remarkably a cut jawline. Though, I couldn't help but feel like I knew him from somewhere.I also couldn't control the butterflies that erupted in me when he sent a small smile back my way.

I pulled myself from my trance and patiently waited for him to get up and ask to take his pictures,but, he didn't.  He just sat looking around the room, fascinated by the lights, cameras and other equipment until ending his gaze on my sneakers. Confused, I asked him if he wanted to take a picture but got a simple 'no' as an answer. I was taken aback, I have never had someone reject a picture or a selfie from me in years.

"Why not?"

"Cause I have enough of them" he replied, his eyes moving from my shoes to meet mine. That's when it hit me.  Those familiar brown curls and mischievous smile. That look he would give you when he was about to do something absolutely stupid. His adorable sleepy mourning voice, when I would call and wake him up.

"Valdez?" My smile widening by the second.

"In the flesh" he stood from the chair spreading his arms for me to hug him. But I think he got more than he bargained for when I jumped and completely tackled him to the ground. I lay on top of him hugging the crap out of him, and telling him how much I had missed him. In the five years I hadn't seen him, he had physically matured. He still looked young, but he had less of a baby face, I don't know if it was the whole engineering thing but he had way more defined muscles than before and he was now way taller than I was.  In High School I used to make fun of him for being shorter than me so his sudden height change did not go unnoticed by me.

If I could, I would stay like this forever, but I really wanted to get to know him again so I untangled myself from his arms and helped pull him up. "So how you've been all these years and what made you come here today?" I question.

"Ehhh it's been alright. I graduated last year so I decided to come back to New York to work. Somehow in the mix Jason told me he had a surprise for me and Poof! I was here waiting for an audition. What about you?"

We talked for a while. Like a very long while. I was constantly laughing at all the terrible jokes he made, and it was honestly so refreshing to be in his presence again. While we were talking, Ally seemed to be dying of boredom, so elected herself to tell everyone we were taking a break.

Soon the setting rays of the sun poured through the only window in the studio signalling the lateness of the evening. We probably wouldn't have noticed and kept on talking if Leo's blonde friend, Jason, hadn't come to take Leo home. So he we bid each other farewell and they started the journey to the door.

"Wait!" I called. Pulling a gel pen from my skirt pocket, I dashed towards him and took his wrist between my fingers. Carefully, I wrote my number with a little heart next to it and the smiled at it.

"Call me, and maybe we can go eat sometime?" I quizzed

"Sure." I smiled to myself as he and Jason walked out.

I was about to let my inner fan girl out until his head poked back in.

"Ohh and I see you kept my sneakers."


I am sooooo sorry for the late update. I swear I've been trying to update on time, but I have been feeling really stressed and overwhelmed lately, so for my sanity, I have only been writing after I do some form of work for the day. Updates will continue, just at a slower pace. Thanks for bearing with me.

~ Dawn

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