Friends again? - Leo

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Leo's POV

"Come on Leo." Jason begged.

"Nope." I said flatly.

I am currently working on a project in Bunker nine and Jason is trying to get me to go with him to some get together at a restaurant but I am trying to work on this dumb sphere thing.

"Please." He pleaded, " I'll leave you alone after."

"You know what, fine" I sighed. After all I haven't left bunker 9 since Calypso cheated me.

"Nice get ready in ten minutes cause we are gonna meet in fifteen minutes at the restaurant. Just note it's gonna be the seven and Percy's little sister." He said and walked out.

Wait. (Y/n) isn't a year rounder. Did something happen to her mom!

Well serves me right for being in Bunker 9 , crying for three months.

-----------Time skip brought to you by my insomnia. Yay!

(Y/n) POV

So why am I currently sitting around a table at McDonald's you may ask.

Or maybe you didn't, but that is besides the point.

Well because Percy and Piper basically dragged me out here considering the fact that I have been at camp for six months and every time the seven invited me to go out with them I refused.

This time though Percy was not taking no for an answer and threatened to tell the Aphrodite cabin that I wanted a makeover and that I was into dresses and makeup.

Anyways, I did a head count and realized that there were two empty chairs still.

I knew they were for Jason and Leo. I blushed at the thought of Leo. I mean we were best friends before he came back with Calypso and I may or may not have a crush on him......

My thoughts were interrupted by the screeching of the chair next to me. I looked up to see Leo plopping his butt in the seat next to me. He turned and I looked away as quickly as I could so he wouldn't see the blush that scattered across my checks.

When I finally looked up I saw Piper who was sitting across from me smirking. What evilly, demonic plan was going through her head?

Piper's POV



I know who my new ship is. (Y/n) and Leo would make an amazing couple. I mean, Leo is still going through a major after break up and needs (Y/n) and her caring nature to get him through it. She also needs some reassurance that she didn't kill her mom and Leo is the perfect person for that. I swear to Aphrodite I am going to make this ship, sail.

Leo's POV

I can't believe I just did that. I am supposed to be Leo, Bad Boy Supreme, Captain of Argo 2, Super Sized Mc Shizzle Valdez. I SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO BLUSH!

Who new that (Y/n) could change that. Ever since she came to camp I had a small crush on her and so was really happy when she wanted to be friends. To bad I decided to be with Calypso and now she doesn't even want to look at me.

I mean who wouldn't like her. Her adorable (e/c) can make anyone melt and her smile can even calm Nico down. Ohhhh and that laugh is so angelic that even Hera herself couldn't compare!" I looked at Piper and she smirked.

Something is wrong. I know that smirk and let's just say this can only end one way.....

"How about you two make out, sorry i mean make up while the rest of us go ....... do stuff" she said suggestively.

"Do wh-" but before I could finish my sentence, Piper grabbed Jason by his shirt, and Percy was dragging Annabeth to Hades knows where, while Hazel and Frank calmly left like the civil h. Leaving us in silence.



Only word to describe our silence.

"Sooooooo........." I said breaking the tension. "How are things with Calypso." As soon as I said that Leo broke down in tears.

"I broke up with her after she cheated on me." Leo said before burring his face in his hands. He tried to hide his sobs but he wasn't do very well. Poor guy.

"I'm so sorry'" I said feeling like an idiot. I mean it must have been a really bad break up if just the mention of her name made him cry.

I wrapped my arms around him and he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, staining my t shirt with his tears. I wrapped one hand around his waist and used the other to rub calming circles into his back, all while whispering sweet words in his ears. I hated it when Leo cried and so I was glad to be their to comfort him.

He slowly raised himself from my hold and looked straight into my eyes. On any other occasion I would have been happy about this but instead of the carefree, happy and mischievous glint in his eyes, they were filled with sorrow and regret.

"I am sorry that I stopped talking to you after I met Calypso. Sorry we didn't hang out as much. I don't know why you are the one consoling me after all of the hell I put you through and I would be totally fine if you never want to be my friend or even see me again." His voice cracked at the end which made me pull him into a bear hug.

"I would never stop being your friend. Not even the Gods themselves could make me." I said confidently.

And as if on que, Leo's lips formed the first smile genuine smile anyone had seen in the past three months.


I never said I was good at writing.
Sorry the chapter name is weird. I had no clue what to name it

And thank you to the few people who have read my book and if you have any requests please send them

~ Dawn

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