Sick- Nico

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That's exactly how I felt.

I have been laying in bed for the past three hours blowing my life into tissues.

All of my siblings had gone on a field trip to New Rome but of course life hated me and decided to make me sick the day we had to leave. So here I am stuck in my cabin,sulking my life.

A quiet knock on the door brought me out of my sulking. The door creeped open to reveal my adorable boyfriend, Nico.

"Leave me alone" I groaned while trying to hide myself under my blanket. Thankfully he understood that I wanted to be alone, the only problem is that he didn't care, though I only realized this when I felt a dip in the bed.

I slowly felt Nico remove the blanket from my face. I bent my head down trying to avoid his gaze. It didn't really work because shortly after he used his comfortingly cold fingers to lift me chin up so that I was staring at him.

He gave me a comforting and rare smile and I tried to return one but instead ended up sneezing into my elbow. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"I am coming back."he said" don't move." And then shadow travelled out of my room. Which was fine by me considering every bone in my body was telling me to lay in bed and do nothing and that is exactly what I did. At least until Nico turned back up.

When he shadow travelled back into my room he had a bag of what I presume was medicine.

He came up to me and sat next to me ruffling through his bag pulling out a thermometer.

"Open your mouth babe" he said gently. I slowly opened my mouth allowing him to place the thermometer under my tongue. When he pulled it out his eyes widened in shock.

" Your basically a kettle " he said with a slight chuckle causing me to lazily roll my eyes. " You are 103.7 degrees." He got up from my bed and walked over to my drawer and grabbing a handkerchief and headed toward the bathroom.

He came back and softly leaned me back on the bed and placed the wet handkerchief on my forehead. I winced from the sudden coldness of the water on my forehead causing a slight whimper to leave my lips.

Nico sat down on the bed and stared at me for a few minutes while I tried to keep my coughing to a minimum.

I slightly tilted myself and closed my eyes trying extremely hard to fall asleep but I was interrupted by a hand wrapping itself around my waist.

Shocked, I opened my eyes to see Nico snuggling his face tightly into the crook of my neck.

"Nicoooo" I whispered irritatedly.

"Hmmm" was all I gt was as a response.

" You are going to get sick" I complained weakly trying to pry him off of me only causing his grip on me to tighten.

"And" he replied with an obvious amount of slight annoyance ain his tone. "I want to make you feel better."

"And I am really grateful for that but I don't think you cuddling with me is gonna do anything except make you sick"

"It's fine" he said, " Plus cuddles are the best medicine"

I rolled my eyes but eventually melted into his embrace and fell asleep.


Soooo.... My first ever Nico one so what did you guys think.

Also I am not sure what the actual procedure for someone with a fever goes through but oh well.

I was sick while writing this so I just put in what happened for me. Minus the whole boyfriend thing cause I am single as hell and that's why its so short.

Bye for now

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