Smores- Leo

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I was on our bed, blasting music into my ears and scrolling through Pinterest (definitely not looking at Klance fanart) when I came upon a smore's making video. I had a sudden craving for the chocolate goodness and decided to make it.

I threw on a lose tank top over my originally exposed chest and made my way out of the room.

With my music still blasting in my ears, I took a quick glance in the living room. I saw Leo sitting and playing videogames but I had more important things to do,like make smore's, so ignored whatever Leo was playing in the living room.

I opened the fridge and took out the Hershey's chocolate and threw it on the counter. I walked over, opened the cupboard, spotted the Marshmallows and let them join the chocolate on the counter. Nearly tripping over the recycling bin, I searched the shelves until my eyes landed on the Graham Crackers. Only problem is, they were on the top shelf and my short ass can't reach it.

I made several attempts to reach it. I tried tip toeing, stretching, tip toeing while stretching, but nothing worked. Thinking for a second, I decided to try jumping to reach it. As I jumped, the material of my shorts rode up, possibly displaying my whole ass or underwear, but It's nothing Leo hasn't seen. After all my efforts turned out futile, I had to got the last resort, asking Leo.

"Hey Leo..." I pulled out one end of my headphones.

"Yeah?" He replied, obviously engrossed in his game.

"Can you come get the Graham crackers, I can't rea-" I turned around and froze mid-sentence. There was another guy on the couch.

He was what some people might call attractive. Perfectly, messy sandy blonde hair, pleasant hazel orbs for eyes and most likely a set of abs under his loose fitting grey shirt.

I didn't freeze because he was good looking though, I froze because-
1) I was wearing a loose fitting tank top with no bra and a pair of shorts that barley covered anything and
2) he was staring right at me.
Well more specifically my chestal region.

When Leo headed me fall silent, he turned around and when he saw what I was wearing, his smile dropped. He was about to speak up, but his friend beat him to it. "So Leo your not going to introduce me to your hot friend"he asked, completely oblivious to Leo's anger and my discomfort.

Almost as if the couch was an indescribable plague, he dropped his controller and strode over to me. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, my body involuntarily relaxing into his touch.

"Andrew, this is my girlfriend (Y/n), " he purposely stressed on the word girlfriend,"Babe, this is my old friend Andrew.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled, "now can you get me the crackers?" He chuckled before unwrapping his arms and grabbing the crackers, without stretching ! Like how? Probably magic.

Before he handed them to me though, he brought his lips down to meet my ear and whispered, " When your done, you should probably change,  we wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last time I was jealous..." His lips slowly trailed down my neck and I knew exactly when he was referring to.  Let's just say, I used my whole jar of concealer and still had to buy extra.

As soon as his lips reached my collarbone, he placed a light kiss there before  completely retracting himself from me. I stood there like an idiot as I watched him return to the couch. When he sat down, I hurriedly placed six graham crackers on a baking sheet. Then I added marshmallows and a good serving of chocolate before finally topping it with another cracker. I opened the oven and placed them into it before setting the timer for five minutes.

When the sound of the timer rang through the kitchen, I threw on a baking mit and pulled them out. They were perfect. The chocolate dripped onto the golden toasted marshmallow, making my stomach churn. I grabbed three plastic plates, cause I hate washing dishes and placed two on each.

Balancing all three plates, I made my way towards the living room. Somehow, I managed to place them all onto the coffee table without dropping them, and I picked up my plate to leave when someone called me.

"Hey, (Y/n) was it? Stay for a bit?" Andrew asked. I dared to glance at Leo and noticed he was giving Andrew that 'I'm gonna kill you if you talk one more time' glare, so I simply told him I had to much crap to do. But like I figured, he wasn't taking no for an answer an yanked me next to him. I gave him a simple smile before getting up and sitting next to Leo.

They continued to play whatever it was on the tv while I read some books on my phone and ate my s'mores. It was okay, I guess, besides the occasional glances from Andrew and their weird celebratory noises. But about ten minutes after finishing my s'mores, I started to get restless. I kept changing positions until I somehow ended up with my legs halfway dangling off the edge of the chair and my head in Leo's lap. He didn't seem to mind though, cause every time he had to read something or only needed one hand, his other hand would magically make it's way to my hair.

At some point, Andrew must of realized how late it was, because he announced that he had to leave. He got up and shook himself off before winking at me. I rolled my eyes and lifted my head from Leo's lap so he could show him to the door. I got up and gathered the plates from the coffee table and threw them into the kitchen bin.

I was walking through the hallway to get to our room, when Leo spun me around and pinned me against the wall.  His tongue instinctively licked a strip up my neck, sending chills up my spine.

"So, looks like I'm gonna have to brand you so Andrew knows his place when he comes over tomorrow. At that, his lips secured themselves onto my neck.
Surprise!! I wrote one for Leo's birthday. It might not have anything to do with birthdays but oh well. I hope you liked this one

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