Chapter 27

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(Robin's POV)
Luna sniffed and said,
"Ugh... I can sense his aura by myself... it's the smell off overblown arrogance."
I rolled my eyes, and looked at the target, attacking the village. He did look arrogant and idiotic all at the same time. His armor was large, and with every step he took, a loud clunking sound would follow. Beast boy snickered at how ridiculous he looked, but was interrupted by Thalia, putting her fingers to her lips.
"Shhh. We are supposed to be in stealth mode, not blow-our-whole-cover-mode!" She whisper shouted.
"Sorry." he said.
"Okay, follow my lead.." Thalia ordered.
We all, in a line, walked silently across the ally and into another shadow. She pressed her ear communicator to speak with Eren.
"Oy, Eren, tinco cyclops Tulien lle men...
"Right..." A soft and small voice answered.
"Alright, group time." Thalia said, rubbing her hands together.
"Robin and Starfire head to the bell tower over there," she pointed. "Raven and Beast boy, go to the East side to block him off..." Raven nodded absorbing all the information, and Beast boy dug for 'gold'. "Cyborg and Luna, head West to support Eren. He will need help. He always does..." she said, trailing off.
With a worried look on her face, Luna asked,
"What about you?"
She smiled her crooked and cocky smile,
"I'll be fine! I'm the distraction."
She shooed us and we all slipped away. Starfire silently flew me to the tower, to keep watch on the defense, in case something new came out. But, to my disappointment, nothing new showed up, no other bad guys showed up, there was nothing.
(Luna's POV)
I press the earbud in my ear.
"Anything to report, Robin?"
There was a little static before there was an answer.
"Nothing here. But we'll keep looking."
I answered back,
"We're about a few feet from Eren. The guy's close too..." I said silently.
"Luna, I have to tell you-" Robin started.
"Luna," Cyborg started, "let's get up on the roof and get Eren there."
I nodded.
"Sorry, Robin, it'll have to wait."
I say, letting my earbud go, so there would be silence.
With a leap, I heard Cyborg go up first. I leaped toward him, but slipped on a piece of the roof. I silently yelped and I fell, but a large hand grabbed mine, and without any effort, pulled me up.
"Thanks!" I whispered.
"No problem." He replied.
I shifted my feet to see who's close by.
"Do you see Eren?" I asked.
"Uh... yeah! Follow me." He said.
He jumped off the building, and I followed. Finally, I jumped into the air, and landed lightly behind Eren, making him jump a little.
"This is the backup that Thalia sent?" Eren asked, disappointed.
My face reddened, and I pulled out my hand and stuck him across the face.
"That's for kicking me." I said, spitting out the words. I jumped at him, but Cyborg's giant hands restrained me.
"Luna, calm down!" He whisper-screamed.
I stopped struggling and cooled off,
"I'm calm, I'm calm..."
Cyborg's hands finally let me go, and I turned the other way... only to shoot around and punch him in the stomach.
"Ow! What was that for?!" He coughed.
"That's for everything else." I said simply.
"Okay, from now on, you're going to be a few feet away from Eren..." Cyborg said, pushing me back lightly.
I let out a huff. This was pointless, I don't even think-
I cut off my thoughts to a loud rumble of trampling feet.
"Man, what's that?" Cyborg asked.
"It the guy who's been attacking the city." I said, blankly.
"No... he's got friends." Eren pointed out. I heard multiple other footsteps go into beat, almost marching in Union. I felt myself get agitated. I rubbed my head and took a deep breath.
"This is great. Just great.... We haven't even begun fighting the first guy, and he's brought backup!" Cyborg gritted through his teeth.
"Do you guys see that?!" Beast boy almost screamed through the earbud.
"Kinda..." I said, irritated. "Get ready. We are going to fight. Now."

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