1x01: The Unwritten Tale

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                 Paige POV
I just started Fairy Tale History class in 5 minutes and i can't even still wake up. I just keep telling myself to join grandpa's expectations, but that's like an impossible job. And yes, i am thinking to myself.... Grandma Rapunzel keeps asking questions that nobody is able to answer, except for that girl Astoria... Like grandmother, like granddaughter. Astoria and i never spoke again since she betrayed me 2 years ago. Everbody sees her like an kind heroine after the missions of her and her team. I am the one without an team, and still i am figuring out how to be an hero too. But my destiny says that i only have to write stories about heroes instead of becoming a one. It's so ridicilous to follow up old traditions, but rules ain't gotta get me. 'Paige, did you payed attention on the class?'-Rapunzel. 'Oh yes, you were talking about...'-Paige. 'About the Invicible Amulet of the Fairy Queen. You better keep up or the only grades you'll get is about daydreaming.'-Rapunzel. Everbody starts laughing in class and it's getting akward every second. I just keep staring at the clock and hope that school will be over then, because i hate it.

After 45 minutes suffering, the bell starts ringing and everbody is leaving the school for now. Today i'm getting really an bad mood. I'm supposed to be positive or something, but now i realise i am the one who's not going to get an happily ever after. I had no idea that life could be that bad, but guess what... It is! I just watch at people while sitting at the fountain and realize that they're just characters who everbody claims to be fairytales. I am the real person here, that should make me feel good. I'm an author, i'm supposed to create stories. Real or not, everbody has an tale to tell. But i am gonna to make my own and i believe it's going to be great. That idea gave me a kind of energy i am gonna to need. So i stand up and go get my pen, but i just realize i lost it in Rapunzel's class. I kept running until there's some weird blonde girl that goes wild and tries to give me a "hug", but it's like she's attacking me. She did. I fell in the floor and i just know that tomorrow i'm going to get an headache that feels like my head's exploding. That girl is just hugging me and starts laughing. After few seconds suffering again, i have to push her away to stand up and breathe because that hug really got me. 'Sorry, i just am sooo excited to meet you. I mean, your grandparents is the reason of this all! Hi, my name's...'

'Rose Cinderella, i know who you are.'-Paige. 'You also can read peoples minds, how cool is that!'-Rose. 'I can't, i just know my characters and you're like... Kind of famous or something.'-Paige. 'Ohh, do you have a story for me in mind?'-Rose. 'No, but i am going to write something different, something that will become an good bestseller.'-Paige. 'That's so cool, can i know what you are gonna to write?'-Rose. 'I am still figuring out what, i need an place that can inspire me.'-Paige. 'Ohh, what about the Enchanted Forest? There's like a lot of things happening there!'-Rose. 'You're right, that's an good idea. I'm going to get there tonight.'-Paige. 'Thank you, nobody has ever said that to me.'-Rose. 'Yeah, that doesn't even suprise me as well.'-Paige. 'But i need my pen first and i lost it at Rapunzel's class.'-Paige. 'I will help you look for it!'-Rose. After running through few halls, we just arrived the door to Rapunzel's classroom, but there's one problem... It's locked! 'Great, now what?'-Paige. 'Perhaps we should ask Rapunzel to open the door.'-Rose. 'Are you kidding me? She's gonna ask why i need the pen, there's no way that they should find out.'-Paige. 'I don't understand, why can't they know about your idea?'-Rose.  'Because it's against the rules, the oldies only want tradition.

That's where this school stands for.'-Paige. 'Why would you break the rules?'-Rose. 'I want everyone to have an happily ever after, because it's just not fair that only half of us can have that. I don't want stories to define us from who we really are, we must create our own tales.'-Paige. 'But we can't waste time now, we have to get the pen!'-Paige. 'But i don't understand, there are so many pens, why would you miss that pen?'-Rose. 'Because that pen is very special, i got it from my father before he... was gone...'-Paige. 'Don't worry, i have an idea!'-Rose. 'That is excactly where i am worried about but okay.'-Paige. We just ran outside and stand before a tower to Rapunzel's class... Just the best worst idea ever! 'How are we gonna climb on that tower?'-Paige. I just can't believe i'm asking that to Rose Cinderella. 'I'm gonna use some pumpkin magic, we're gonna step on that pumpkin and i'll make it bigger so if we can be on the top.'-Rose. 'Isn't that gonna to explode?'-Paige. 'No, i got this!'-Rose. She says that every time when she uses pumpkin magic, i'm sure it's not gonna work.

'Hey Rose, i have an better plan...'-Paige. I am gonna use my author magic so we'll can sit on a flying page. 'Author magic transformation!'-Paige. 'Woah, this is soo cool!'-Rose. 'Yeah right?'-Paige. My page just starts to fly like an flying carpet from the Arabic stories.
It just joins the wind like they're one. I just keep wondering how it's like to fly by myself. It feels so peaceful, like you're alone and free. We have just arrived the top of the tower, Rose just gladly jumps to window but fell inside. That's excactly what i needed for today. But of course i jumped through the window with an perfect landing, if Coach Beast could see me right now... 'Are you okay, Rose?'-Paige. 'Can't get better!'-Rose. We just ran to the classroom and start to realize it's so huge. 'I keep searching at my chair, you can stand by the lookout.'-Paige. 'Okay!'-Rose. I went to my chair and i found it. So i took Rose that quickly and jumped back on the flying page. It was sundown and i just want to visit the Enchanted Forest right now. After flying, we landed on the beautiful grass, it's like no one stepped on there and the nature is like abandoned. Like nobody was here and it's just that beautiful. The perfect place for inspiration. 'Wow, it's gorgeous here!'-Rose. 'It really is.'-Paige. Rose and i are getting along with each other, she's just like me...

Outsiders who loves fairytales and we both desire to be heroes instead of damsel-in-distresses or just someone who writes about them. I believe the Ancestors will change their mind when i show them my selfmade stories. After walking for few hours,
Rose and i felt something... Like we're getting followed after hearing strange noises. 'What was that?'-Paige. 'Perhaps monsters... We gotta hide!'-Rose. 'We're no cowards but heroes and we don't hide. Just face your fears and fight them!'-Paige. 'That speech would have inspired me if i weren't an hero at all.'. I just start to recognize that voice... 'Hawk SnowWhite!'-Paige. Hawk just shows up from the shadows, but he's not the only one. I also see Travis, Joy and... Astoria! 'What are you guys doing here?'-Rose. 'We tracked you guys with Snow White's mirror, we were so worried about you Rose!'-Joy. 'We're both fine and we're gonna talk now about the fact that you guys just stalked us!'-Paige. 'You guys were missing, so we had to.'-Travis. 'We can both take care of ourselves, just leave.'-Paige. 'We can't just leave without you both, because the principal wants to talk with you both.'-Astoria. And that's where the disaster goes...

After walking back to the Academy, Cinderella and Snow White are standing next to the fountain. With red faces, i see... 'Where have you both been?'-Cinderella. 'Cindy, we already know that... The question should be why Paige would break the school's rules by writing stories at herself.'-SnowWhite. I just stand there and don't move, it's not the night i had expected. 'Paige, i'm sorry... But we have no other choice...'-Cinderella.

After staying two awfully weeks with my grandfather Jacob, he gives me something where i can start over again. 'Paige, this is an flyer of your new school. I already have signed you up there.'-Jacob. 'What's this?'-Paige. 'This is Alfea, an school for fairies... It's in Magix.'-Jacob. I never have heard of this nonsense before. 'An fairy school? Do i look like an fairy?'-Paige. 'You have the powers of an fairy and this is the right place where you can get your happily ever after.'-Jacob. 'Alright then, but how do you know what my happily ever after is?'-Paige. 'I know you that well, my dear. But before you go to Alfea... I have an heroic mission for you.'-Jacob. 'I need you go to London and search for an girl named Dallas....'
Author's note: Hi guys, this is my 1st time here. I hope you guys like episode 1 of the season... But it's going to be interesting for now.... xxx

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