1x03: Unwanted Socialist

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Skylar's POV

I don't want this! I don't like it! There's already such pressure on my shoulders and now i'm getting more of it. I thought that father would have understood my fear for social stuffs, but he even doesn't care. Homeschool made me feel safe and.... No, i can't do this anymore! I must find a way to get out of Alfea, i know i don't belong there. Nobody is gonna change my mind. Yet i'm now on the way to that school, in the CARRIAGE! That's right, i know i'm a princess... But this is overreacting and i'm getting attention. That's the last thing i want in my world. I need to do something! 'Excuse me, sir! Can you park somewhere further away from Alfea?'-Skylar. 'I can, but then you will walk to the school gate with the heavy suitcases. Shall i wear them?'-coachman. 'No, i'll be fine.'-Skylar. After 5 minutes i've arrived in the forest that's close to Alfea. The coachman has finally left now, but there's one problem... The forest! I've been afraid of them my entire life, there's always danger in the forest.

Can you really blame me for getting that scared? Great, i'm now in a forest with my heavy suitcases on my way to Alfea, what excatly can happen? I'm just gonna pull my bags and start walking... Or running. I better run while i'm still here in a dark forest, but i can't run with those stupid bags. I should have David let him help me. I always make those stupid decisions, don't i? I'm thinking too much instead of doing things. I need to keep my head shut and start walking.... Or running... They are soo heavy by the way, what did the servants put inside them?.... And it's been now 10 minutes of walking and i still am not near Alfea... Am i even walking on the right way? Damn, i didn't even prepare! I hear something near me... No no no, not today, not now! I can see the bushes moving, what is it?! 'Hello, is anyone there?'-Skylar. Nobody's answering... Should i check it out first? No, bad idea! The bushes keep moving fast, now faster.... Okay, i'll leave myself no choice... RUN! I start running after i left my suitcases behind. I really don't care about my stuff right now, it's my life that matters now. I am still running but i also feel like someone or something is following me from behind. When i'm scared, so much energy and adrenaline are drugged inside me now. It makes me like running as a cheetah or something.

I see a building before me.... It looks like a castle or whatever. I turn my head and i really can see some thing on the sky, it looks like an.... TORNADO!! Ohno, this is really bad! I gotta keep running, i'm almost there in Alfea... But suddenly i'm not faster than the tornado. It's coming to me... Is this my end?! The wind around me is getting wild because of the tornado. 'Help me! Anyone please help!'-Skylar. The tornado caught up and dragged me. I'm too late. 'WAAAAAHH!!!!'-Skylar. 'Relax girl, you're gonna be alive... I'll make sure of that.'. There's also an another girl inside the tornado! It's like she's controlling it! What is happening right now? 'WHO ARE YOUUU?!'-Skylar. 'You don't have to scream yet, i can hear you alright. The name's Willow, by the way.'-Willow. And when we both have arrived Alfea, the tornado dissapears and we fell on the ground. Well... I fell on the ground while she made a perfect landing on it. 'Are you okay?'-Willow. 'Do i look okay to you?!'-Skylar. Okay i'm mad, that's for sure... But perhaps i shouldn't be rude to her... 'I'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you.'-Willow. She gave me her hand and helps me stand up. 'It's okay, thank you...'-Skylar. 'You haven't told me your name yet.'-Willow. 'Wait, you don't know who i am? Or where i come from?'-Skylar. She shakes her head. 'Should i?'-Willow.

This is my chance to avoid attention! 'Well em, my name's... Nymphaea!'-Skylar. 'Nice to meet you, Nymphaea. Are you also new at this school?'-Willow. 'Yes, it's my first day today and it's not getting very well...'-Skylar. 'Why did you bought a tornado at your first day of school?'-Skylar. 'I wanted to make an entrance.'-Willow. 'Well, did that work?'-Skylar. 'We're about to see that now.'-Willow. When she said this, she looked over the open gate, we both walked through it and saw the entire Alfea building. It's so beautiful here, i also see other students who are excited for their first day of school, but the most students are shocked of something... Probably because of Willow's Tornado. 'Everbody is looking at us heh...'-Willow. 'Yes, they are..'-Skylar. This is what i wanted to avoid! An old woman is walking to us, with an red face... Ohno. 'Girls, can you explain me what that was?!'-mrs.Lorie. 'Did you like it?'-Willow. What is she doing? Does she think this is funny? She's even smiling... That girl is nuts! 'What are your names?!'-mrs.Lorie. 'My name's Willow and this is my friend Nymphaea!'-Willow. That woman is scarier than my nanny when i ate her cookies since i was 8 years old. I will be never able to forget an face like that. 'Well that's noted, you both are getting detention for the rest of the week.'-mrs.Lorie.

'Wait what?!'-Skylar. 'You both realize you have ruined half of the forest right? Let this be a lesson, girls!'-mrs.Lorie. And she walks away now... I'm totally screwed. I've imagined my first day of school a thousand times and none of them were like this. 'Well, that's a shame.'-Willow. 'Do you even care? If my parents find out...'-Skylar. Before i finish my sentence, she cut me off. 'Nymphaea, it will be fine... Detention isn't the end of the world. It's an small punishment that no one cares about.'-Willow. This is gonna end my world and i do care! Before i say something, i see 2 girls walking towards us. One has a short ponytail, pale skin and has a bit of muscles. The other has a big ponytail with dark blonde hair or something, her clothing looks like a school uniform and has green eyes. 'That was so cool! How did you do that?'-Dallas. 'Magic perhaps?'-Willow. 'Still cool!'-Dallas. 'Hi, my name's Paige and this is my friend Dallas from Earth.'-Paige. 'Hello, i'm Nymphaea and this is Willow.'-Skylar. 'You come from Earth? How is it like there?'-Willow. 'It's nothing like this. Just normal and boring stuff there.'-Dallas. 'Everbody, can i get all of your attention please?'-mrs.Lorie. Everbody is hearing her now, and that even without a microphone or something. 'I am mrs. Lorie and i welcome all the freshmen in Alfea.

Mrs Carol is here for the registrations. Don't be late for that! And also today we are going to test all of you on your fairy skills, that's an job for coach Nex here. I hope you all got this and pass for this year. You are dismissed.'-mrs.Lorie. 'Great, we just have started like for 7 minutes straight in this school and we're getting an test. It can't be worser.'-Willow. 'I agree, we didn't even learn for it. I only knew that fairies are real for few hours or something. Is that always the case here?'-Dallas. 'You discovered your true self in few hours? Respect girl!'-Willow. 'Come on, guys... We cannot be late for the registrations!'-Paige. And we are now walking to mrs. Carol. This is now 2 hours after the registrations and stuff, i didn't wrote my real name in it because of.... Well you know. We are wearing Alfea's sport uniforms and it's getting uncomfortable to me. We are all standing on the line outside right now. Coach Nex is explaining the 3 excercises of this "test". First of all we have the "Flying Planks", it tests our balance on air while we're flying. Then we have the "Laser Balls", it's teaching our insticts to avoid those attacks in a fight. Then the last we have the "Power Throw", it teaches u show to use the enemy's strength against them. And i dont like them all, it's so hard! After hours spending those excercises, we're so tired.

You can't blame us for this, espiallicy not Paige when she fell on the ground by the first excercise. But she's alright. Everyone got tired, i can see that. I also formed a group with Willow, Dallas and Paige. They aren't bad as well, i've never had friends before. Can i even call them my friends right now? Perhaps that's weird and akward. But let's call it a first step. 'Everyone attention please!'-mrs.Lorie. Not her again! 'I want to tell you that i'm proud of the excercises you have expierenced, this all will be happening inside the school. I hope you all have learned this all as well.'-mrs.Lorie. You mean the tortures? 'Let me introduce you the principal of this school..... Roxanne, also known as Roxy!'-mrs.Lorie.

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