Scorpius & Draco ♡

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// A small little moment I wanted to include. It was tenfortyeight's idea! //

Harry: "How are you feeling?" Harry asked just after they left the rest of their friends behind, promising drinks and celebration the moment of their return.

Draco: "I-I'm just eager to see him."

Draco: "I can never thank you enough, Harry. For finding him, for finding me." Harry squeezed Draco's hand. Their shared heat coursed through both of their bodies.

Harry: "He'll be relieved, so relieved."

Draco: "It's been so different between us-ever since-ever since Astoria's death." Draco and Harry made their way to Hogsmeade and through a tunnel that Harry hadn't thought of since the war so many years ago.

Harry: "Just like you told you me, your son loves you. He won't be thinking about anything else."

Draco: "Are you sure?"

Harry: "I'm postive. Scorpius will currently be in the Great Hall for supper with his classmates."

Harry: "Are you sure you don't want me to notice Minerva?"

Draco: "No, I-I want this to be a surprise." Harry could feel the tremble in Draco's touch.

Harry: "Hey, I'm here, Dray. I'm here." They rapidly made their way through the tunnel, and before they knew it, they'd arrived to the castle of their youth, the one that now held their youth.

Draco: "This way," Draco almost laughed as he took the lead. A Potter and a Malfoy, running down the Hogwarts corridors in tandem, their steps united instead of divided.

Harry: "You think anybody would've expected this back then?"

Draco: "What?"

Harry: "Us," he smiled. Draco turned to look back, Harry's hair was as messy as ever.

Draco: "No," he smirked, recalling their younger years of bickering with no end in sight.

Draco: "Is there an end in sight?" Draco asked impatiently, more than excited to see his son.

Harry: "Yes," he replied. Thinking to himself only, that there always was an end of some sort to everything. "We're here." The two men stood in front of the great doors, the ones that still scaled above them in height. Harry wondered how it was possible that the same doors that made him feel once so small-so miniscule on the grand scheme of things-now made him feel mighty. He wondered if the blond Slytherin felt the same.

Harry: "You've got this," Harry whispered as he gave Draco's hand one final squeeze before he let go. Draco continued to lead them and walked into the Great Hall, Harry only steps behind him. The four houses, the ones he'd grown so accustomed to seeing only sitting together, were now mixed with different colours at each table. Harry had heard Albus and James talk about it, but to see it with his own eyes was a whole new experience. Even the Slytherins-though they still kept to themselves more than the rest-Harry could see pinpricks of blue and yellow amongst them. He even swore he saw some red but just maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him.

Draco: "Potter?" Harry's eyes shot back to Draco's. Maybe coming back to the castle had stirred back up some old feelings. He liked being called 'Potter', more than he was willing to admit at the moment.

Harry: "Look." Before more words could be exchanged, most students were starring at them. Harry watched as Draco's eyes searched for Scorpius'.

Harry: "There," Harry said as Draco followed the man's eyes. From the Hufflepuff table, a blond boy and his best friend stood up-Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter.

Scorpius: "DAD!" Scorpius ran, not caring that his peers were watching him, not caring about their usual lack of intimacy towards each other. This was his father, and he loved him unconditionally. And though Draco was not a man of much emotion-at least outwardly-he ran too, tears streaming down his face.

Draco: "You have no idea how happy I am to see you," he murmured into Scorpius' ear, holding him tightly to his chest. Though, Scor didn't say anything. He couldn't. He just cried as he captured in the scent of his dad.

Harry: "Hi," Harry mouthed, looking at his own son through his clouded vision. He was standing right behind the father-son duo. Albus eyes were also watery.

Albus: "Thank you," he mouthed back.

All promises had been fulfilled, father and son, lover and lover, best friend and best friend.

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