The Big Question

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Lars was shocked to say the least, a slight blush spreading on his cheeks as he re-read the message.

"Hello, cutie" alone would have sounded totally straight. Yet... That winky face...

Was it a cruel joke or something... more?... Did Greg actually think Lars was cute? Nobody thought Lars was cute... His mother couldn't even look at him

Yet, that one emoticon would consume his waking days

Lars did what anyone would do, he started a private chat with Greg. Ignoring the constant notifications from his "Do Gay Stuff" chat

Lars: Hey Greg?

Greg: Wdyw

Lars: what?

Greg: What

A brief moment of an absence of messages came upon Lars...

Lars: Did you mean what you said?

Greg: About?

Lars: Me being a cutie?

The moment of truth, did Greg actually think Lars, the obese loser that made a chat full of gay people without 100% realizing that gay people may feel pretty gay for eachother, AKA, Lars feeling pretty Bi for Greg.

Moments passed... desperately waiting for that message, the confirmation or denial that Greg felt something in that black heart of his, if not anything, towards Lars.

This part was definitely not written by the SuperPedo RapeBow

Lars x Fat GregWhere stories live. Discover now