Coincidences, coincidences everywhere

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Although not realizing it, this was just the beginning of Lars' and Greg's adventure through love, and a good Segway into our next chapter, Segway, keeps capitalizing, why the FUCK IS THAT HAPPENING

One day, on April 86th, 1939, Greg decided it would be time to get more personal, after a FaceTime with Lars and a bunch of hotdogs now inedible, Greg decided he would take it a step further...

Greg hacked into Lars' personal information to find his location, love stricken and also a total creep, Greg would realize that Lars, lives quite close to him, just in Gori, Georgia, exactly where Greg was! GGG


The next day, Greg awoke from 1 hour of sleep and slipped on his human skin mask he had crafted from the innocent girl walking her poodle down the street, poor thing. He washed his hands with the soap he made from her bones, and for ready for the day, as he bit on the soap to clean his mouth, even though he also used that soap to shower... unepic....

Lars x Fat GregWhere stories live. Discover now