The Gay Stuff Crusty Crew!

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We have the pedohpiles like Goldstone who hits on Papi, and never gets the memo btw, and he like... makes being Bulgarian a personality trait somehow? Tf

Then there's Rainbow who likes plays and that's all, literally nothing else just fucking good omens and Hamilton that's all, it's not a big personality, it's just two things, it's like a robot, maybe she is a fucking robot it wouldn't surprise me...

Spinel is spinel

Yellow and Steven are Pearl's slaves, they work for him, that's all, that's all they are, nothing else to them, their lives are for Pearl, and they better feel the same way whilst reading this message.

Then there's ❤︎ Pearl ❤︎, the best member of the chat, so smart and authoritarian! He's mean to the chat but only to make sure things don't turn south, and he's very nice in private as to ensure that people don't try to pull a one up. Of course the long history of Pear would take ages to uncover, from the ancient Comrade Chat, in which Steven's Shoes was a member, of the attack of Pink, then Progress, and Sans... and Pearl, his alt account... which Lars like a dumbass told everyone before I.. before he could test his members smhhhhhh. Also, I hate Democrats, they preach how they need this police reform bill then fucking block it so it cannot he placed into law? Are you fucking serious? This should be clear evidence that the Democrats don't actually care about the hood or the LGTBQ, they only do it for votes, I won't be tricked, I know that, but my fellow teens fall right into the trap, it's disgusting. The Dems have a long history of evil and racism, the KKK, Margaret Sanger, and Hillary Clinton .

I probably missed some people... good.

Lars x Fat GregHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin