I Am Afraid.

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= Greg is above us =

Greg and Lars arrive at Lars' house, everything looks neat for the most part, and Lars invites Greg to his room.

The room was never finished during construction, and since Lars lives in the basement that means that half of the wall is missing as dirt invades the room.

Greg: "oœtrdfgś ßrüh o m mñvxšqwtę tfšjhgvčxž"

Sadly Cuthulu was too tired to be summoned, saddening Greg

Lars: "you want to lay on my bed with me....?"

His "bed" was a twin sized mattress on the cement floor with mysterious brown stains and a red marker stain depicting "Curtis x Shapiro"

Greg and Lars both laid on the bed, lookin up at the crumbling ceiling as bugs and rodents ran amuck

Lars would later lick Greg's armpit as a sign of attraction

(Author's Note) I'm sorry... I can't write the smut... I'm... I just can't. Like... LARS AND GREG.... I literally cannot. I have like a mutual respect for Lars and just.. I can't... the armpit was the smut... now if this inspires my fellow chat members to write stories of George and I... I wouldn't exactly be outraged....

Do it...

Or any chat members shipped idc I just want to read fanfics created by my chat members so I can be proud for once...

Greg and Lars decide they will move in together, Greg can take half of the dirt, and Lars gets the other half.

Sadly, Greg like an idiot, downloaded TikTok and the Chinese government had persecuted the two of them. Capturing them and bringing them to Beijing, they would be labeled terrorist Uyghurs and sent to concentration camps.

Lars and Greg would be forced to revoke their Muslim religion (what) and eat pork

The end ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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