Skin on skin

10 0 0

(Relax it'll just be a handshake)
(I think... I'm making it up as I go)

Greg would ride his tricycle to where Lars lives according to "FindThisPersonIllegally.Com" and Greg would walk up the 1 step (wtf) to his door.

One step... "one step?" Greg would ask himself, Greg suddenly had a burst of anger from seeing this singular step, he wanted to burst with rage and destroy the windows and house, maybe commit arson, but that's when a sound came from the door.

A disheveled, brown haired and acne covered Jacob appeared from the door, still in his robe, which had brown spots on it that Greg did not dare question, could it be Greg's knight in shining armor?

The 16 year old in a sense looked horrified, seeing a chubby 10 year old Greg, with a neckbeard, huge cheeks, manboobs, HUGE EYEBROWS, and oily hair throwing a tantrum in his front yard.

Luckily for Lars his parents faded out of existence as they do in fanfics, along with Greg's, who had technically ran away from home but we don't look into specifics now do we? Like are you actually looking for content? It's gonna be 11:00, and I'm writing this, I could be applying for college? You know that? I'm wasting my life here, this story will be funny for a week, then die, to be never seen again, what am I doing, I want to bathe in a stream, I want to be free!

Lars' brown eyes focused, all he could mutter was... "G-Greg?"

You see, Lars and Greg didn't actually know how eachother looked, when they FaceTimed they cornered their faces with emojis like 7 year olds do on TikTok, which spies on you btw. Delete TikTok. I'm warning you.

Lars x Fat GregWhere stories live. Discover now