Chapter 2

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Double upload ✨✨ love that

Zak's POV
So am I ready for this? No. So I'll just take my sweet time. Spifey, TapL, and I all walk to the hotel. The lady at the front checks our badges as we check in and we walk to the elevator. It stops at floor 8 and we have to check in with a security guard so they let us into the top 4 layers with the creators in it. We show the badges and we get into the other elevator to the top, floor 12. We get off the elevator and walked everyone is just in the hallways. You can just look in the hallways and see people with millions of dollars. James Charles, Captain Sparklz, and people with so much clout.

We walk into our room and I sit my suitcase down on the bed. "Hey Spifey and TapL, I was asked by Dream to meet up with him, George, and... Badboyhalo." I mutter the last person but they still heard it. TapL spoke up first. "Okay first, just call me Harvey. Secondly, sure. We should all meet up. Plus I think it's time to meet up. We have a panel with them in Vidcon anyways." I sighed in agreement and looked back down at my phone. Slowly I pressed the message app and I text Dream.
I'm free now with YapL and Spigey so where yoy wanna meet up?

Wanna meet up at Citywalk?

Sure I'll be there soon

"Okay, do you guys wanna change or anything? We are going to meet up at Citywalk and it's pretty hot outside." Harvey and Spifey shrugged before they shook their head no. We headed out of the hotel and as I walked to my car I sighed.  My phone buzzed again as another contact popped up. I smiled at the text before quickly responding back. I'm happy that they are by me and stand by me even in these dark times. But I shouldn't talk about them. I'm focused now.

This is the first time I'm going to see Darryl since the whole incident... I know I have to do this but why is it so hard?

I just will have to deal with it. I have to make through and I have to talk with him whether I like it or not. I want to talk with him. It's been awhile, and his channel has grown so much. It's time to catch up.

As I start my car up, we all sit in silence. It wasn't awkward or anything, I didn't want to talk about anything and my friends knew that. They knew it's hard for me to talk about this since I've never talked with him in awhile. Heck we haven't been in a group chat either. We just cut off even if we were both friends with A6D and Dream.

When we got to Citywalk, it all just came to me. I am going to see Darryl, for the first time in a year. What am I going to say to him? What if he's still mad? What if- "Zak?"

Darryl's POV
There Zak is. He's here with me and everyone else at Citywalk. He looks anxious and if I'm being honest, I am too. But I'm ready to give him a second chance. Forgiving is easy for me but forgetting isn't. But I shouldn't hold a grudge over something over a game and a year ago. I am now at 1 Million subscribers and I gained many of them with Skeppy. He was there for me and I cannot forget that either.

"Zak?" I look at him with an anxious expression. I held out my hand and smiled a bit. "It's been awhile hasn't it?" He shakes my hand and smiles back at me. "Yeah. It has." Dream looks at me and nudged my shoulder, "are we ready to go?" I looked back up at Dream and rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah okay, let's go." I looked back at Zak and let go off him. "Let's go guys!" Harvey and Spifey follow us as we go into the Citywalk. It was free but the places around were expensive. I fell back a bit and stayed by Zak's side. Spifey, George, Harvey, and Dream were all talking and Zak kind of just stood around. He was probably anxious like me.

"Hey Zak... how's life been?" Zak looked up to me and giggled a bit. "It's been fine. I've noticed that you've grown a bit huh?" He hit my shoulder softly and I laughed. "Yeah I have. Then again though, you're getting closer to 5 Million. You're almost half way to 10 Million!" I congratulated him. Zak nodded proudly before looking up a bit. He hesitated before asking, "how's your server?" I looked down a bit and shrugged. "It's fixed. Nothing much. It's not like we added anything new or anything." Zak scoffed a bit and looked back at him and gave him a sad smile. "I know it's overdue but, I'm sorry for what happened a year ago-" I cut him off. "It doesn't matter anymore. We shouldn't dwell on the past you muffin." I smiled at him warmly.

Zak laughed a bit before sighing, "you haven't changed at all. How's your life been? I can see that you're in a good place right now." Badboyhalo nodded before his eyes glistened. "Yeah! I'm really happy right now and I love what I'm doing. You're still doing your usual videos too. You're happy too right?" I looked for any hesitation or dishonesty. He thought for a second and shrugged. "Yeah. I am. I'm better now and I'm excited to be here. This is my first official panel too." Darryl nodded. "This is my first time at Vidcon." Skeppy laughed and nodded, "yeah but it hasn't even started yet." We kept talking and it felt like we never even stopped talking. It just felt so natural. And it was really fun.


It was night and my legs were out of it. I don't know how everyone else can make it and push through. "Hey guys? Can we please sit down?" George looked at me and Zak and shrugged, "Yeah. Plus Dream is being a jerk and trying to prove me wrong about the fact that I'm not in a panel with them when I CLEARLY am." Dream shoved him and laughed. "I said that you wouldn't be there for the first one!" "Whatever Dream."

Zak's POV
It was nighttime and the stars were showing over the lake. China town was across, and mini New York was too. It was really pretty outside and semi nostalgic. Darryl broke the silence first. "Hey... I know we haven't seen each other in awhile and this is the first time we've even talked to each other but, you want to hang out one on one tomorrow? I don't have any plans but I don't know where to go either." Darryl laughed nervously. "You hitting on me? Joking joking ok, but no. I'm free tomorrow, we need to catch up too." I smiled at him with a hint of mischief. Darryl sighed in relief before nodding. "Sure, and we really do."

Even though I know Darryl will never  forget what happened but, I want to restart. I really want to be friends with him again. And deep down, I know that I missed him and I do miss him. We were really good friends and I can't forget that. My eyes were slightly droopy so I closed them as my head leaned back against the chair.

Darryl's POV
I looked at Zak and laughed a bit. He still is him. He still has his charm and confidence. He's still my muffin. I smiled and felt nostalgic suddenly. I looked back at Dream and George, "we should probably start going since Zak is pretty sleepy." TapL nodded and looked at Spifey, "sure. You guys are also staying in the Vidcon hotel thing right?" Dream and George nodded too. I looked at Zak and felt semi bad. He looked pretty sad so I picked him up bridal style.  "I'll carry him back to your car Harvey." Harvey nodded and looked back at Zak and I. "How about you just come with us?" Harvey smirked and I shook my head. "No! Plus he's really heavy and I want to sleep too." "Oh come on!" "No you muffin!"

So how did we get here? Me holding Zak in my arms as Harvey and Spifey chuckle in the front as they take pictures of Zak and I. They are probably going to post this on Twitter. I looked down at Zak as he snuggled into my chest. He is really cute. I bet he's probably thinking that he's in his bed right now. I'm definitely going to tease him about this. But he is really sweet like this. He's also really sweet off camera too. Every time he made a video with trolling me, he would always apologize after. And I appreciate that from him.

You make me believe that I have a chance. And that I still mean something to you.
That you still like me,
But you didn't reach out either.
And it hurts that we have to build up from square one.
It hurts that you replaced me even if your intent was good.
Impact speaks louder than intent.
But I can wait.
And I will. No matter how long it takes.
A/N so here we are. I made a double update for yall. This story is moving a bit faster than what I wanted it to be since I literally just made Darryl say that I can wait until you're ready. But no. They won't be kissing or anything yet. I'll give some wholesale moments with them and maybe some sad moments with one comforting the other but we'll see. I also am going to drop a big conflict- and if you read closer, you'll see what I mean. 1590 words sis excluding the A/N

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