Chapter 4

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A/N Congratulations Dream for 5 million subscribers in one month! That's actually scary lmao. Maybe we can get to 10 million in 5 months. Eh we'll see.

Zak's POV
We stayed at the beach for basically the whole day. All of got in the water except Darryl who stayed by the shore for almost the whole time! His clothing did get wet though when I hugged him after being in the water.

All of us decided to go find somewhere to eat and then head back to the hotel. I looked up at Darryl as he scrolled through google maps to find somewhere to eat. He looked back at me and I just smirked at him before he rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone. I didn't care so they all just are deciding for me. TapL decided for us to go to an Italian restaurant.

-wow ok a time skip unless u wanted some random filler lmao-

I'm not going to lie here, but I don't know if I feel loyal to Alyssa. She's an amazing person and I wouldn't be here if she didn't come to me at the right time. But being here with Darryl again and being able to just talk with him... I missed it I guess. I owe it to Alyssa though. She was the only person who helped me at the lowest point I had. And I'm grateful. But I just don't know if I want to keep going.

I'm definitely not going to break-up with her just because of this one week with everyone, it wouldn't be fair seeing that I've only just started talking with Darryl. It's not like I've talked with him for a month. But he just makes everything more bright. It's hard to move past him since I knew him for 4 years... I wish I never lost contact with him in the first place.

Darryl snapped his fingers in-front of my face to try to get my attention. "Zak? Are you okay?" I looked back up at him and smiled softly, "I'm fine. Just a bit tired that's all." I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment as I realized I went with the Dream team so we could mess around for awhile since TapL and Spifey wanted to sleep. "If you're tired, we can go back and bring you back to the hotel." I shook my head to the offer and shrugged, "it's fine. Where are we going anyways?" Dream looked back at me, "we're going to the OUE skyspace to see the view at night. Did you really just forget?" He snickered after asking that. I wish I could slap that smirk off of his face, "no I didn't, I just zoned out." Dream rolled his eyes before looking back at the road, "yeah yeah, whatever."

The car ride was silent as all of us were looking at our phones except Dream who was driving. We were all kind of out of it so we just sat in silence before we pulled up to the OUE skyspace. I tried to open my door but it was still locked. "Dreamm, open the door!" Dream shook his head and looked back at all of us. "Here's the deal. I am not going close to the glass. You guys can do whatever but you push me, I will kill you." He glared at me especially before unlocking the car. I got out and stretched my arms out.

"Hey Darryl, you're going to look at the city right, or are you going to be a wuss like Dream?" Darryl gasped at me and crossed his arms, "language! But to answer your rude question, yes I am going to look out to see the city." I took his hand and started speed walking to the building, "let's go then!"

Darryl's POV
I smiled at Zak's childish behavior. As he took my hand, my face heated up a bit, to hide that, I moved my hood over my face and put my hand over my face as Zak dragged me to the building, George and Dream following.

We all got to the main desk which surprisingly, there wasn't a line. Usually there would be packs of people since this is a hot spot. All of us just got general admission since we weren't planning to stay for too long. As we walked to the elevator, I noticed Zak still had his fingers intertwined with mine. I chuckled before looking at him, "hey, you can let go of me now." Zak looked back at our hands before his face turned a to a light pink before he let go, "sorry about that." I laughed a bit before entering the elevator to go up to the 70th floor. It took awhile and we all just stood there in silence again.

When the elevator door opened up again, Zak was the first one to run out and look at the view. I followed after him but George and Dream stayed behind since Dream didn't like heights. "Skeppy wait up!" I ran towards him before stopping and standing right beside him. It was already turning to night so we got to see the sunset over the city. The way the light seeped through the city and onto the buildings was amazing and it looked so much better than any picture. I looked back at Zak to see him just smiling at the view with a soft expression. I looked back at the glass and watched the sun fade away before the stars started to come out.

After the sun set, Zak and I sat down on a couch the building provided as we looked up at the stars. Zak looked up at me and sighed before talking, "hey I know it's been a year since we talked and all, and I know you've moved past it but, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know you weren't there while I was sulking but it got pretty bad not going to lie heh. I just wanted to say that I really miss you and I hope that even after Vidcon, we can maybe make videos again? With A6D and the dream team...?" He looked up at me with curiosity before I smiled and nodded in agreement. "Of course. Truth be told, I shouldn't have waited that long. I probably should have texted you after a month... I guess I was just already preoccupied. Not saying that I forgot about you or didn't miss you, it's just that I thought I already waited too long anyways..." Zak smiled at me before scooting closer to me. "I guess we both really fucked up didn't we?" "Language!" Zak laughed at my remark before he looked back at the view.

He wrapped his arms around himself and shivered in the cold. After all, Zak and Dream were the ones who went in the water. I slowly scooted closer to him and rested my arm around his shoulder. Zak looked up at me and bit his lip a bit before moving closer to me and resting his head on my chest. I smiled a bit at this notion and rested my head on his hair as the arm around his shoulder moved down to his waist. Dream and George looked at us and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes before  looking back at Zak. I know he has a girlfriend and this is wrong... no one should be cheated on.

But this feels so right.

I'm definitely not being considerate of Alyssa's feelings and if she was here, she'd hate me. But, she has him all to herself. For this one week, I have him for myself, and even if he stays with Alyssa, I'm for sure going to cherish this moment.

I'm not being considerate to Alyssa
I'm being shady and I don't think Zak would want to break up with Alyssa
She's not done anything wrong.

But she has him to herself almost all of the time.
For now, he is mine. And soon enough, he'll be back with Alyssa.
It'll be like none of this happened for him.

1368 words! Let's go! Sorry for not having a consistent schedule. But anyways, here u go! I hope this gives u some hope lmao. Does Alyssa deserve to be cheated on? U do u. Also sorry for the typos lmao, I typically don't edit this, I just wing it and call it a day. K bye 💛🥺

Timeflies {Skephalo}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя