Chapter 3

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Zak's POV
The sun was shining through the window right onto my face and shined on my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and sat up to realize I was in my hotel room. All I remember is falling asleep next to Darryl. Before I did anything, I looked back at my phone and realized that I didn't respond to the other notification. I smiled and picked it up before going to iMessage.
How was your flight to Vidcon 💛

It was smooth. I'm at the hotel and checked in last night. Is everything okay at home?

It's fine! We're just missing you rn, it's a week and a half right?

Yep! I'll be back before you know it

Okay, I'll be thinking about you. I'll leave you alone so you can hang out with all of your friends. I'll call you later tonight is that okay?

Yep! I'll be back in the evening, love you  ❤️

Alyssa. My girlfriend. I've been with her for 8 months and she helped me through rough times. I'm sure Darryl and her would hit it off. She's definitely not a gamer but she is more organized and helps me out a lot. That's mainly why I got with her. Alyssa acts like Darryl in some ways, she's comforting and more productive. I don't know where I would be if I never met her last year. She's in some of my videos and many fans know she's my girlfriend, but we aren't really lovey dovey or anything. It's just like a step in our original friendship. I usually call her Ally just as a nickname. Plus it's easier to say and type.

Even though being with her is like replacing old feelings with new, she's good to me and even though she's not him, I still love her.

Harvey comes into my room and looks at me, "hey you're finally up. I planned to meet with the DreamTeam this morning but someone was still asleep," he said with a mocking tone. I rolled my eyes and stretched my arms up. "Okay okay, I'll get dressed and all, just text Dream that we'll be ready in 10 minutes." Harvey nodded his head before I looked into my closet. I pulled out a plain white t-shirt and some black adidas pants before walking into the living room. "You ready to finally go?" I rolled my eyes and nodded, "you could have just woke me you you know?" Harvey thought before shrugging, "I'll do that next time and wake you up at 6 am."

We walked out of our room and into the elevator down and PewDiePie just stepped in! We all looked at him and he looked at us before laughing, "I've seen you," he pointed at me, "you're skeppy from Minecraft Monday right?" I nodded and shook his hand "that's me. Surprised that you never got a win." He laughed before the elevator door opened. "Nice talking to you guys," all of us nodded as we stepped out.

As we walked to my car I turned back to Harvey and Spifey, "where are we going anyways?" Spifey looked through his text messages, "uh... we're going to the Santa Monica Pier and beach." I sighed and looked down at my clothes, "you better not push me in the water since I'm not going back to the hotel to change." Spifey snickered before I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm serious idots."

Darryl's POV
As we headed down to the beach I started thinking about Alyssa and Zak. Even though I've never met Alyssa before, I really want to hate her. I want her to be bad since I could be there for Zak. I know it sounds vindictive but I just wish Alyssa had a flaw. Zak said she acted like me and I'd probably like her. Even though I wish I could hate Alyssa, I know this was also my fault. I waited too long and in result, Zak moved on with another girl. And that's his right. I should give her a chance since I might not be with Zak but I know he's happy and that's all that should matter to me.

The car stops and Dream looks at Sapnap, George and I. "Ok get out." George laughed before hitting Dream, "you have to unlock the car idiot." "Language you muffin!" "Yeah yeah whatever, you curse every time you say muffin so you really need to stop cursing." I gasp dramatically and roll my eyes, "it's not the same!" We step out of Dreams car before we see Zak's car pull up. All of us walk over and greet each other before Dream looks at Zak, "wow we thought you'd sleep till noon! Did Harvey have to wake you up?" Zak punched Dream as he wheezed, "no he did not! I got up all on my own." I snickered as I listened to them bicker like kids. Harvey spoke up, "okay okay, break it up. Let's go down to the beach before we kill each other."

I personally didn't like the sand so I wore snickers and a hoodie. Zak looked at me and giggled, "are you really wearing a hoodie to the beach?" "Yes I am! I'm not the one who stayed asleep for an extra 2 hours!" Zak shrugged, "fair fair. I heard you where the one who brought me back to my hotel room." I whirled my head to him wishing I could slap that smirk off his face. My face heated up by a bit before I nodded, "yes I did and I should have just left you on that bench." Zak laughed before whining at me, "so you would have left me there if Dream and Harvey weren't there?" I sighed snd looked back at him. He always had that fake cry and would take advantage of my sympathy. "No I wouldn't... but you do owe me one." Zak's face lit up before he hugged me. "Yeah yeah baldboynoob." I narrowed my eyes and hugged him back. "Fine I'll let this slide once." I could feel Zak smiling to himself before letting go of me.

We had some towels so we sat one down on the sand and I sat down. Zak and Dream were near the ocean trying to push each other in. They both were impulsive and funny to watch.

Zak's POV
"Dream! I'm not getting wet right now! I'm not wearing the right clothes for it anyways." Dream laughed mischievously before scooping water into his hands and splashing me. "You should have thought about that before you decided to mess with me huh?" I looked back and saw Darryl on the beach watching us as he laughed. My eyes softened before Dream took his chance and pushed me into the water. "DREAM! I'M NOW SOAKING WET WITH SAND ON ME!" I screeched as Dream was looking at me wheezing and all. I took his arm and got him into the water too and started to laugh again. "That's payback."

We walked back to the shore before I looked at Darryl and had an idea. I walked away to the right and slowly crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled my face into his hoodie. His body tensed before he looked at me. "SKEPPY YOU MUFFIN! You almost gave me a heart attack and you're all wet!" He tried pushing me away from him but my grip tightened before he gave up and sighed. "Skeppy can you please let me go?" I shook my head in his hoodie as before he gave up and just crossed his arms in frustration. "You're lucky that I'm nice you muffin..."

A/N 1297 words yay! This is kinda just a filler chapter and I might make some cuddles next chapter but it's revealed that Zak has a girlfriend. Alyssa. Do you think Alyssa is nice or do you think Alyssa will cheat and Darryl was right? It's gonna be hard to hate someone...

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