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A/N this will be more of a chapter to fill in gaps and kind of make you ask yourself what went wrong

Alyssa's POV
I'm the infamous girlfriend of Zak. I mean, I met him only a month after Darryl got mad. Even though I love Zak, I can see why Darryl would do it. But I still find some spite for Darryl. Zak didn't take the whole thing well. Since I met him only one month after, he was still hurt. I remember him crying at night because of what he did. It took awhile for him to heal and it took 5 months for him to be fully satisfied. And after that 5 months, he asked me out.

The following was amazing. I was happy that he was able to move on from Darryl and he would be able to talk about him sometimes. Even though I fail to admit it out loud, I can tell that he is not over Darryl. I can't blame him though, they were friends for 4 years and it's only been 1 year for us. I can see why he'd take more time. And even though I hate to admit it, I can see the way he looks whenever I say the name Darryl. His eyes soften before he shakes it off. He said that I'd like Darryl since we both act like each other but I'm not sure I want to meet him. I know I can trust Zak being away for a week and a half, but I know he will run into him. And I'm not sure I want him to...

I sound jealous I know but it's also my fault for falling for Zak. In the back of my head, I kind of knew Zak still liked Darryl. He just was never satisfied with me. I want him to be happy but at the same time, I want him all to myself too. Sometimes I wonder if Zak would stay with me even after meeting Darryl again. And I can see why Darryl would like Zak. He's perfect but also soft if you get to know him. Which I find cute.

-flash back-

"How long will you be gone?" Zak thought for a bit before he looked back up at me. "A week and a half. I promise it'll be like I never left!" He gave me a mischievous grin before I snickered and rolled my eyes. "Okay. Who are you meeting up with anyways?" Zak turned back around to start packing again before speaking up, "I'm meeting up with TapL and Spifey." I sighed in relief. He might not actually see Darryl. I hope he doesn't but then again I think they have a panel together.

"Can I ask you something Zak?" Zak turns around to look at me with concern. "What is it Ally?" I took a deep breath in before pushing my hair back a bit, "would you ever leave me? I know it sounds like a dumb question since we've been dating for 8 months, but I just want to know." Zak's eyes softened before he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. "I can't make any promises since I don't know what will happen but I promise no matter what that I'll always be here if you need me. I owe you one remember?" I giggled a bit before hugging him back and resting my head on his shoulder.

"I promise I won't leave you completely, and I'll always back you up if you ever need me.
Even if you're my girlfriend

You're still my best friend."

-flash back over-

My eyes teared up as I reminisced of what he said. I wiped them away before sighing. I should be able to trust Zak. He's not dumb. He wouldn't cheat on me, and even if he fell out of love with me, I'm sure he would tell me.

In the back of my mind, I told myself not to get too attached because the inevitable will happen when Zak meets Darryl again. And I probably feel the same way as Darryl. No matter who he chooses in the long run, I want him to be happy.

And if he is happy, I can stand afar and know that I gave him something that he needed at the lowest point


A/N, huh. It's hard to hate Alyssa now is it? Or do you still dislike her because of dating Zak? Either way, I can tell you this. Alyssa is not like that stereotype girl who cheats on Zak and he runs to Darryl. That's not happening lmao-

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