They Have A Darker Meaning

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Medication - yungblud

Izuku stumbled down the dark alleyway, clutching his side as blood leaked through his fingers. Everything was spinning as the crimson liquid continued to drip, they were right. Someone with a quirk like his could never be a hero... So why did he want to so bad. Why did he fight for a dream so desperately.

It wasn't like someone was making him, it wasn't like he had a good reason. Why did he want to help people so bad, yet he wanted to punish the criminals horribly for their wrong doings.

That morning had been harsh for sure, first a random drunk guy had tried getting into his pants    -figuratively-, and then some blonde girl covered in blood with knives spilling out of her pockets had attacked him. Izuku looked down at his disoriented companion with a sigh, smiling lightly as it made a static meowing sound.

Izuku placed his hand on the grimy wall, letting his back slide down until he sat there, surrounded by garbage. Completely out of sight as he struggled to ease the blood flowing out of the wound.

The greenette's companion jumped onto his lap, pawing at the knife wound that leaked blood over his right eye. He couldn't see anything out of it, so he assumed it had been damaged beyond repair. "Karma?" the little creature spoke up, tilting it's head in question.

Izuku shook his head softly, he hadn't given anyone karma since Bakugo, that was bad enough. The little creature had told him about the karma calls, how each one varies in severity. The lower the number, the worse the punishment.

For some reason, Izuku hadn't been told about Karma Call One, he wasn't sure if it was that serious, or the creature wanted Izuku to see it before explaining it. "what should we do now?" the creature gently tucked it's small paws under its body as it laid on Izuku's lap.

"we could try to get a job, but I'm not sure if I'm too young or not..." the creature perked up, it was starving, and so was Izuku. "there's a pet store and animal shelter... On the corner of the street the local park... Is on," the creature explained, looking up at the fourteen year old boy hopefully.

Izuku liked the idea, but didn't know how to actually get a job. Looking back down at the cat-like creature, he slowly stood up. "stop, you could injure yourself more!" the creature hissed protectively as Izuku clenched his fist. "I don't have any medical supplies, we can't just sit here until the wound gets infected, I have to do something," Izuku huffed out, pushing himself off of the wall with a small stumble.

The creature hissed again, "sit down, I'll get you some help," it reasoned, nudging Izuku hopefully. "fine, but so help me Karuma, if you get hurt I'll shank a bitch," Izuku growled as the small creature jumped in the air with joy.

"watch your language, I'll be back as soon as I can," it's static voice called out happily, Izuku nodded, watching the small animal with admiration as it bounded away. Karumashi, or Izuku simply called it Karuma, had been by his side for as long as he could remember, but of course, no one believed him when he told them about the whispy creature.

Karumashi was another word for Karma and death, Karuma being karma in Japanese and shi being death. It had been able to turn itself visible to others when Izuku's quirk fully grew, but was always too shy. Izuku respected it's wishes to remain only visible to him, but proved to be harder than he thought. The kids at his school proclaimed him quirkless and teased him constantly for it.

Karuma stayed with him through it all, the creature, despite its appearance, was very caring and protective. Each Karma Call was stored inside the small creature, so if Izuku wished to call karma upon a person, the creature had to be there, within, at most, a kilometer away, any further and the runes wouldn't activate.

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