It's Not The Same

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The Wolf - SIAMÉS

"so, Izuku...killed someone?" Yamada questioned skeptically, turning to his husband with a raised eyebrow. 

Shota frowned, "first off, why?" he asked in his usual gruff voice, taking a sip of his sweetened coffee. He wouldn't admit it, but he loved the way Izuku made his coffee especially sweet, and it became a habit for him to make sweet coffees instead of his usual black. Izuku had become a coffee addict ever since he'd caught Aizawa making one, Izuku had then mastered the art of coffee making. Aizawa wasn't sure wether to be proud, or ashamed.

"well, the guy threatened me with a knife," Shinso explained, hoping his dads would understand and let Izuku stay. Shinso would be lying if he said he didn't like the greenette.

"alright, and how did he kill him..." Aizawa asked through gritted teeth. He was pissed that someone had the audacity to threaten his sons life.

"Izuku slapped him," Shinso shrugged, watching as Yamada held back a laugh and Aizawa raised an eye brow, his eyes showing doubt. "he just... Slapped him?" Shota questioned, not sure if he believed it or not.

"it was... Karma Call," Izuku suddenly mummered shyly, ducking his head as all three eyes glued to him. "and what's Karma Call?" Yamada asked skeptically. "it's my quirk, I can create blank cards, about the size of a simple pack, like uno cards... I can activate my quirk on any card around that size, but it would be weaker than using the ones I can... Summon?" Izuku explained, not sure if that was the right wording or not.

"ok, well how did that kill him?" izuku turned away, a deep frown on his face. "karma calls are what the cards are for, I can... It's like giving karma to a person, I choose the karma and make the card physically touch the person, the karma gets worse when the number gets lower," Izuku squeezed out, not sure if it's ok to be telling them the details on his quirk.

"so, if I were to call on Karma Call twenty five -which is the highest number- the karma won't be as bad as if I called on Karma Call five," Izuku finished with a deep breath of air. He understood that trust goes both ways, if he wanted them to trust him, he'd need to tell them about his quirk.

Izuku turned his head back to Karuma, who was watching the conversation from the middle of the table. "Karumashi is the holder, as long as Karuma is within a five hundred meter radius of me, I can use the cards, Karuma is like the source of the power, though it can't summon cards or runes," Aizawa nodded his head, taking the last sip of his coffee with a huff.

"alright then, did you atleast get what you went out for?" Shinso gaped at his dad, who looked like he couldn't give any less of a fuck about Izuku killing someone.

"oh shit-" "language!" "- I completely forgot about that, I bought the batteries and the parts I'd need to finish it, I'll go do that now, cya guys!" Izuku rushed out, sprinting off to his cave to finish his robot. The entrance exams for the support course in UA were a few days away, Izuku needed to be fully prepared to obliterate everyone. There was no time to talk about murder when he had to finish his inventions.

Sorry it's short, I wanted to explain the quirk a little more. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments! I'll answer as many as I can.


Written On Cards - BNHA Support AUWhere stories live. Discover now